Matthew 10:10 Travels of an Awareness
Official 6 x 9 Version (with ISBN for retailers) -- Is it time? Are we ready? It is time, and ready or not, Matthew 10:10 Travels of an Awareness is here! Returning humanity to its most fundamental questions of existence, Winfield blazes forward with his introduction of Secular Energeticism. For over 300,000 years, flawed ideologies, incongruent with the nature of reality, have prevailed. The human race has arrived, together, at a point of departure from these ancient ideologies. We know now, much that we did not know when we created our own understandings. What is Matthew 10:10 Travels of an Awareness about? It's about the Universe, Existence, and our position within it all. This book is about us, and it's about time. This copy is printed on professional grade paper and it looks great! That's the added value compared to the other version. Buy it here at Lulu and go to today!