Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider
The only pharmacology resource specifically written by and for nurse practitioners, this new edition provides a greater emphasis on prototype drugs while retaining its comprehensive approach to the pharmacology content needed by the primary care provider. New features include prototype drug lists in the coverage of drug classes that receive expanded coverage, detailed patient teaching guidelines, expanded content in both the geriatric and pediatric chapters, a special icon identifying the Top 200 Drugs, and highlighted Clinical Alerts. Comprehensive coverage is provided of all drugs commonly prescribed and used in the primary care setting. Prototype drugs are presented first in each drug class, with expanded coverage of these agents. Clear explanations describe how each drug in a class differs from its prototype. Detailed information shows how to provide effective patient teaching, as well as how to gain patient compliance. Chapters focus on the practitioner's role in patient teaching, drug action, and drug therapy. Online Resources are provided at the end of each chapter. The Top 200 Drugs are described according to the number of U.S. prescriptions dispensed. Five new units improve the organization of material: Renal/Genitourinary Agents (Unit 8); Psychotropic Agents (Unit 11); Endocrine Agents (Unit 12); Female Reproductive Agents (Unit 13); and Health Promotion (Unit 15). New chapters examine over-the-counter medications, compliance and the therapeutic experiment, overview of the nervous system, substance abuse, treatment of common infections, weight management, and complementary and alternative treatments. Reorganized and redesigned format and headings are more consistent and easy to follow. Content has been expanded in the geriatric and pediatric "special populations" chapters (Ch. 6 and 7). More concise coverage of disease processes features clearer ties to the Mechanism of Action sections. 25 new figures have been added to the pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Action sections. A Table of Common Interactions is included on the inside of the back cover.