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Inpatient Functional Communication Interview
Inpatient Functional Communication Interview
The Inpatient Functional Communication Interview: Screening, Assessment, and Intervention (IFCI: SAI) is a set of four resources for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and other healthcare professionals working in acute and rehabilitation hospitals. They can be used separately or together to enhance patient-provider communication in hospitals. The IFCI: SAI has been developed so healthcare professionals can identify and support patients who have difficulty communicating, with a focus on patients with communication disability. The following resources are included: *Screening Questionnaire. Designed to identify patients who have difficulty communicating about their healthcare and will need support to communicate with healthcare providers in hospital. *Inpatient Functional Communication Interview (IFCI). A semi-structured interview that the SLP conducts at the patient’s bedside. During the interview, the SLP investigates how well the patient can communicate in everyday healthcare communication activities. If the SLP and patient have difficulty communicating, the clinician investigates if any communication supports or strategies enable successful communication. *Impairment Rating Scales. These assist the SLP to rate their initial clinical impressions of the patient’s speech intelligibility, spoken language, and cognitive-communicative function. Each rating scale provides descriptions of speech, language, and cognitive-communicative function on a five-point scale ranging from no impairment to complete impairment. *Environmental Questionnaires (EQs). The set of EQs assist SLPs and other healthcare professionals to screen the communicative environment for factors influencing patient-provider communication in their setting. Once the factors that influence patient-provider communication have been identified, SLPs and other healthcare professionals may be better informed and more able to systematically address these factors to develop communicatively accessible hospital services.
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Physical Appearance and Gender
Physical Appearance and Gender
This book examines two kinds of research, research in social psychology and in clinical psychology, into the effects of physical appearance on person perception. Both are explored with the objective of identifying gender similarities and differences on the effects of physical appearance. The theoretical framework for integrating the two approaches is presented, with implications of this framework for future research, social change, and psychotherapy. The book demonstrates that gender must be considered in research on physical appearance effects.
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Basic Concepts in Family Therapy
Basic Concepts in Family Therapy
Gain confidence and creativity in your family therapy interventions with new, up-to-date research! Basic Concepts in Family Therapy: An Introductory Text, Second Edition, presents twenty-two basic psychological concepts that therapists may use to understand clients and provide successful services to them. Each chapter focuses on a single concept using material from family therapy literature, basic psychological and clinical research studies, and cross-cultural research studies. Basic Concepts in Family Therapy is particularly useful to therapists working in a family context with child- or adolescent-referred problems, and for students and clinicians treating the problems they see every day in their community. The book builds on the strengths of the first edition, incorporating ideas and articles that have become worthy of investigating since 1990 into the original text. This new edition also introduces five new chapters on resiliency and poverty, adoption, chronic illness, spirituality and religion, and parenting strategies. The new chapters make the book far more relevant for students and clinicians try ing to use family theory and technique in response to the problems they see in their communities. Basic Concepts in Family Therapy will assist you in offering clients better services by providing a deeper understanding of the contemporary family in its various forms, the psychological bonds that shape all families, and the developmental stages of the family life cycle. This exploration of how family demography, stages and life cycles affect family functions is a solid foundation from which all of the therapeutic concepts in this book can be explored. Some of the facets of family therapy you will explore in Basic Concepts in Family Therapy are: the importance of spirituality and religion in family therapy generational boundaries, closeness, and role behaviors managing a family's emotions defining problems and generating and evaluating possible solutions teaching children specific attitudes, values, social skills, and norms transracial adoptions and normative processes and developmental issues of adoptive parents strategies for reducing conflict . . . and much more! Basic Concepts in Family Therapy will help to broaden your understanding of the ways families function in general. You can use the effective concepts explored in this text to make a thorough assessment of the impact of a disorder on a child and on the rest of his or her family, as well as how family dynamics might have shaped or exacerbated the problems. The concepts described in this text can be customized to clients’cultural values to avoid unnecessary resistance. As a new therapist, you will gain confidence in your assessments, and if you are already a seasoned professional, you will gain creativity in your interventions.
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Women in Public Relations
Women in Public Relations
The past 20 years have seen an influx of women into the practice of public relations, yet gender-based disparities in pay and advancement remain a troubling reality. As the field becomes feminized, moreover, female and male practitioners alike confront the prospect of dwindling salaries and prestige. This landmark book presents a comprehensive examination of the status of women in public relations and proposes concrete ways to achieve greater parity in education and practice. The authors integrate the theoretical literature of public relations and gender with results of a major longitudinal study of women in the field, along with illuminating focus group and interview data. Topics covered include factors contributing to sex discrimination; how public relations stacks up against other professions on gender-related issues; the challenges facing female managers and entrepreneurs; the experiences of ethnic minority professionals; the salary gap; the glass ceiling; and how to foster solutions on individual, organizational, and societal levels. This volume is an essential read for both educators and practitioners in public relations. It can be used as a course text in graduate research seminars, and also as a supplemental text in courses addressing gender issues in PR. It serves as a useful guide for young practitioners entering the profession, and provides critical insights for public relations managers.
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The Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders
The Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders
“Drs. Smolak and Levine are to be congratulated for this timely, comprehensive two-volume Handbook. The list of contributors is impressive, the breadth of topics covered is exhaustive, and the overall organization is superb.” James E. Mitchell, MD, Christoferson Professor and Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, President and Scientific Director, The Neuropsychiatric Research Institute “Unquestionably, the most comprehensive overview of eating disorders in the history of the field, edited by two of its most respected scholars. Drs. Smolak and Levine have recruited distinguished clinicians and researchers to review every aspect of these illnesses from prevention to treatment. This Handbook should be required reading for any professional that wants to work in this field.” Craig Johnson, PhD, FAED, Chief Science Officer, Eating Recovery Center, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine “Eating disorders are serious public health problems. This comprehensive book on eating disorders is edited by two of the pioneers in the field, Drs. Linda Smolak and Michael Levine. Their work on topics such as eating disorders prevention, media and eating disorders, and the objectification of women have greatly informed our knowledge base and current practices. In this outstanding volume, Smolak and Levine pull together many of the leaders within the field of eating disorders. I strongly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the etiology, consequences, prevention, or treatment of eating disorders.” Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, PhD, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota Author, “I’m, Like, So Fat!” Helping Your Teen Make Healthy Choices about Eating and Exercise in a Weight-Obsessed World “Renowned scholars Smolak and Levine have assembled the best scientists and clinicians to educate us about the major advances and important questions in the field of eating disorders. This comprehensive Handbook is a must-have, rich, and accessible resource.” Thomas F. Cash, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Old Dominion University This groundbreaking two-volume Handbook, edited by two of the leading authorities on body image and eating disorders research, provides evidence-based analysis of the causes, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders. The Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders features the most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of eating disorders research ever assembled, including contributions from an international group of scholars from a range of disciplines, as well as coverage of DSM-5. The Handbook includes chapters on history, etiological factors, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, prevention, social policy, and advocacy. Boldly tackling controversies and previously unanswered questions in the field, and including suggestions for further research at the conclusion of every chapter, The Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders will be an essential resource for students, scholars, and clinicians invested in improving the treatment and prevention of eating disorders.
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Physical Rehabilitation - E-Book
Physical Rehabilitation - E-Book
The only physical rehabilitation text modeled after the concepts of the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition, this detailed resource provides the most complete coverage of rehabilitation across the preferred practice patterns of physical therapy all in one place! Each chapter is consistently organized to make it easy to find the information you need, with clear guidelines, examples, and summaries based on the latest clinical evidence to help you improve quality of care and ensure positive patient outcomes. - In-depth, evidence-based coverage of more key content areas than any other rehabilitation resource of its kind, including orthopedics, neurology, and wound management, ensures a comprehensive understanding of rehabilitation supported by the latest clinical research. - More than 65 case studies present a problem-based approach to rehabilitation and detail practical, real-world applications. - Over 600 full-color illustrations clarify concepts and techniques. - A FREE companion CD prepares you for practice with printable examination forms and reference lists from the text linked to Medline abstracts and reinforces understanding through interactive boards-style review questions, and vocabulary-building exercises.
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The Moral Property of Women
The Moral Property of Women
Now in paperback, The Moral Property of Women is a thoroughly updated and revised version of the award-winning historian Linda Gordon’s classic study, Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right (1976). It is the only book to cover the entire history of the intense controversies about reproductive rights that have raged in the United States for more than 150 years. Arguing that reproduction control has always been central to women’s status, Gordon shows how opposition to it has long been part of the entrenched opposition to gender equality.
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Communication and Aging: Creative Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life
Communication and Aging: Creative Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life
Communication and Aging: Creative Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life provides an overview of alternative approaches used to improve the quality of life of individuals with long-term chronic communication diseases associated with aging and neurogenic diseases. This text examines how professionals can inspire and develop programs that allow patients to live successfully with their disorders. -- from back cover.
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The Justice of Mercy
The Justice of Mercy
"The Justice of Mercy is exhilarating reading. Teeming with intelligence and insight, this study immediately establishes itself as the unequaled philosophical and legal exploration of mercy. But Linda Meyer's book reaches beyond mercy to offer reconceptualizations of justice and punishment themselves. Meyer's ambition is to rethink the failed retributivist paradigm of criminal justice and to replace it with an ideal of merciful punishment grounded in a Heideggerian insight into the gift of being-with-others. The readings of criminal law, Heideggerian and Levinasian philosophy, and literature are powerful and provocative. The Justice of Mercy is a radical and rigorous exploration of both punishment and mercy as profoundly human activities." ---Roger Berkowitz, Director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Ethical and Political Thinking, Bard College "This book addresses a question both ancient and urgently timely: how to reconcile the law's call to justice with the heart's call to mercy? Linda Ross Meyer's answer is both philosophical and pragmatic, taking us from the conceptual roots of the supposed conflict between justice and mercy to concrete examples in both fiction and contemporary criminal law. Energetic, eloquent, and moving, this book's defense of mercy will resonate with philosophers, legal scholars, lawyers, and policymakers engaged with criminal justice, and anyone concerned about our current harshly punitive legal system." ---Carol Steiker, Harvard Law School "Far from being a utopian, soft and ineffectual concept, Meyer shows that mercy already operates within the law in ways that we usually do not recognize. . . . Meyer's piercing insights and careful analysis bring the reader to think of law, justice, and mercy itself in a new and far more profound light." ---James Martel, San Francisco State University How can granting mercy be just if it gives a criminal less punishment than he "deserves" and treats his case differently from others like it? This ancient question has become central to debates over truth and reconciliation commissions, alternative dispute resolution, and other new forms of restorative justice. The traditional response has been to marginalize mercy and to cast doubt on its ability to coexist with forms of legal justice. Flipping the relationship between justice and mercy, Linda Ross Meyer argues that our rule-bound and harsh system of punishment is deeply flawed and that mercy should be, not the crazy woman in the attic of the law, but the lady of the house. This book articulates a theory of punishment with mercy and illustrates the implications of that theory with legal examples drawn from criminal law doctrine, pardons, mercy in military justice, and fictional narratives of punishment and mercy. Linda Ross Meyer is Carmen Tortora Professor of Law at Quinnipiac University School of Law; President of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities; and Associate Editor of Journal of Law, Culture and the Humanities. Jacket illustration: "Lotus" by Anthony James
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