The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571
The second of 4 vols. which trace the history of the later Crusades & papal relations with the Levant from the accession of Innocent III (in 1198) to the reign of Pius V & the battle of Lepanto (1566-71). Contents: Venice & the Latin Failure to Halt the Ottoman Advance in Greece; Martin V & Eugenius IV, Constance & Ferrara-Florence, Opposition to Murad II; The Crusade of Varna & Its Aftermath; The Siege & Fall of Constantinople (1453) & Perils & Problems after the Fall; Calixtus III & the Siege of Belgrade, Mehmed II & Albania; Pius II, the Congress of Mantua & the Turkish Conquest of the Morea; Pius II, the Crusade, & the Venetian War against the Turks; Paul II, Venice, & the Fall of Negroponte; Sixtus IV & the Turkish Occupation of Otranto; Piere d'Aubusson & the First Siege of Rhodes; Sixtus IV & the Recovery of Otranto; Innocent VII, Jem Sultan, & the Crusade; Innocent VIII & Alexander VI, Charles VIII & Ferrante I; Alexander VI & Charles VIII, the French Expedition into Italy; The French in Naples, the League of Venice, & Papal Problems; & The Diplomatic Revolution: France & Spain, the Papacy & Venice.