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Butterflies in May
Butterflies in May
A realistic, heartrending, timeless story of a teenage girl's traumatic experiences with an unintended pregnancy.
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Un nuevo amor
Un nuevo amor
Un tipo solitario como él había empezado a preguntarse cómo sería abrazarla una vez más... o para siempre Sola y a punto de dar a luz, Risa Parker se refugió en los acogedores brazos de Simon Blackstone. Después de todo, él le había prometido que a su lado ella y su pequeña estarían a salvo. Y lo estaban... Por mucho que insistiera en que sólo estaba haciendo su deber como sheriff y como vecino, lo cierto era que no podía negar el vínculo que había nacido entre ellos: un vínculo de ternura... y de atracción.
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Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice, Third Edition is an essential resource for advanced practice nursing students in mastr’s and doctoral programs. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
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The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: 1986-1990
The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: 1986-1990
Each vol. covers notable Americans who died in a five-year period.
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Human Development, 98-99
Human Development, 98-99
Provides access to current articles about human development selected from magazines, newspapers and journals.
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Dangerousness, Risk and the Governance of Serious Sexual and Violent Offenders
Dangerousness, Risk and the Governance of Serious Sexual and Violent Offenders
Dangerousness, Risk and the Governance of Serious Sexual and Violent Offenders is a fully up-to-date, comprehensive and user-friendly guide on dangerous offenders. It considers what a dangerous offender is and how such offenders are assessed and classified.
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Essentials of Community-based Nursing
Essentials of Community-based Nursing
A unique text designed specifically for use throughout the associate degree nursing (ADN) curriculum, [this volume] provides students with a solid foundation for administering nursing care in the community. [It] provide[s] an overview of the health care system, an introduction to the epidemiology of health and illness, and an exploration of the factors that influence the health and care of individuals and families living in the community.-Back cover.
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Magnet Environments: Supporting the Retention and Satisfaction of Nurses, An Issue of Nursing Clinics
Magnet Environments: Supporting the Retention and Satisfaction of Nurses, An Issue of Nursing Clinics
This issue of Nursing Clinics of North America will focus on Magnet Hospitals. Article topics will include nursing workforce data on magnet versus non-magnet hospitals, magnet culture and satisfaction, best practices in ensuring engagement among nurses, nursing retention, partnerships between academics and practice, and nursing retention strategies.
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Social Psychology
Social Psychology
The eagerly anticipated second edition of this popular textbook captures the excitement and relevance to everyday life of the fascinating and fast-moving field of social psychology. This book is a comprehensive and lively guide to the subject that extensively reappraises classic studies, highlights cutting-edge areas of research and provides fascinating examples of how social psychological theory and research apply to a wide range of real-world issues such as fake news, internet addiction and cyberbullying. Innovative interactive features, including 'exploring further' activities, 'applying social psychology' exercises and 'student project spotlights', place the student experience at the heart of this book. Its engaging and inclusive approach helps students to develop a strong and nuanced understanding of key topics in social psychology and also encourages broader skills that will help not only in their studies but their future careers. This is the ideal textbook for students studying social psychology. New to this Edition: - Thoroughly revised to highlight the most up-to-date research in the discipline and re-appraise classic studies, theories and perspectives on topics such as obedience, bystander intervention and the Stanford Prison Experiment. - The introductory chapter includes a new guide to critical thinking which outlines theory and research on what critical thinking involves and provides useful guidance for students on how to become effective critical thinkers. - Important coverage of the reproducibility of social psychological research. - More examples of how social psychological theory and research apply to current real-world issues such as fake news, internet addiction, human-animal relations, intergroup conflict, cyberbullying and politics. - Up-to-date coverage of the impact of online communication and social media on social psychological phenomena. - A distinctive final chapter summarising key points of wisdom in social psychology and skills that students can gain from their studies.
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Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
"This widely acclaimed and authoritative reference-first published in 1950!- offers coverage of nutrition's role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease"--
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