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Urban Planning in Mexico
Urban Planning in Mexico
This book examines the scope of urban planning in Mexico through case studies of four municipalities - Campeche, Hermosillo, Leon and Morelia - that have recently updated their plans using new federal guidelines. We seek to advance a research agenda on the impacts of planning and its effectiveness by proposing some foundations for how to assess planning processes, as well as to provide guidance for the federal government of Mexico in its oversight of municipal planning practice and recommendations for the four cities we study. We begin with the concern that the debate over whether urban planning in Mexico “works” suffers from a lack of shared definitions about what is and is not within the scope of urban planning, and a shared conceptual framework for assessing the planning process. The case studies were conducted as part of a graduate studio in the Department of Urban Planning at UCLA. They rely on multiple interviews with planners and professionals in each city as well as documentary and data analysis, and literature reviews. We use a framework of five processes: creating a plan, implementing the plan, raising revenue to fund urban infrastructure, upgrading existing neighborhoods to ensure equal access across neighborhoods, and investing in new infrastructure to support growth. Each case presents a brief urban history and contextual data; a description of local government planning activities, the current plan, the city’s political history, and transparency in local planning; an assessment of planning processes, the mechanisms for changing land uses, and examples one infrastructure project and enforcement of land use rules; and an evaluation of the plan itself, including some GIS analysis local zoning and federal policy. The book’s recommendations fall into three areas: making plans into part of an ongoing and iterative process, increasing coordination between municipal budgeting and planning, and creating transparency and public input to the planning process. More specifically, we find that new plans often ignore successes and failures of prior plans, they do not periodically assess indicators to gauge impact, and discretionary changes in between plan updates diminishes the importance of the plan itself. In the second area, we argue that the scope of planning must be expanded. The plan should be integrated with the municipal budgeting process and municipalities in Mexico should work to generate more local revenues to adequately fund plans. Finally, in the third area, we recommend making planning documents, zoning maps, and basic data on urban conditions accessible to the public. A lack of transparency and the often opaque decision making processes harm the legitimacy of governance. We also outline how the federal government can play a role in advancing these recommendations for local planning processes.
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Transformations and Crisis of Liberalism in Argentina, 1930–1955
Transformations and Crisis of Liberalism in Argentina, 1930–1955
Nállim chronicles the decline of liberalism in Argentina during the volatile period between two military coups—the 1930 overthrow of Hipólito Yrigoyen and the deposing of Juan Perón in 1955. While historians have primarily focused on liberalism in economic or political contexts, Nállim instead documents a wide range of locations where liberalism was claimed and ultimately marginalized in the pursuit of individual agendas. Nállim shows how concepts of liberalism were espoused by various groups who “invented traditions” to legitimatize their methods of political, religious, class, intellectual, or cultural hegemony. In these deeply fractured and corrupt processes, liberalism lost political favor and alienated the public. These events also set the table for Peronism and stifled the future of progressive liberalism in Argentina. Nállim describes the main political parties of the period and deconstructs their liberal discourses. He also examines major cultural institutions and shows how each attached liberalism to their cause. Nállim compares and contrasts the events in Argentina to those in other Latin American nations and reveals their links to international developments. While critics have positioned the rhetoric of liberalism during this period as one of decadence or irrelevance, Nállim instead shows it to be a vital and complex factor in the metamorphosis of modern history in Argentina and Latin America as well.
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Electrical Energy Generation in Europe
Electrical Energy Generation in Europe
The present book maximizes reader insights into the current and future roles to be played by different types of renewable energy sources and nuclear energy for the purpose of electricity generation in the European region as a whole and in a select group of European countries specifically. This book includes detailed analysis of the different types of renewable energy sources available in different European countries; the pros and cons of the use of the different types of renewables and nuclear energy for electricity generation; which energy options are available in the different European countries to expand their energy sector in the coming years; the impact on the climate and the environment; levels of production and consumption and the level of electricity generated by these energy sources, amongst others. Designed to inform government officials, economists, scientists and the private and public power industry of the key issues surrounding the future role of different renewable energy sources and nuclear energy in the production of electricity within the European region, this book will also describe in detail the evolution of the electrical energy sector in the chosen European region and the problems that several countries are now experiencing in the face of increasing demand for electricity.
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Hispanics in the American West
Hispanics in the American West
This work provides a revealing look at the history of Hispanic peoples in the American West (or, from the Mexican perspective, El Norte) from the period of Spanish colonization through the present day. Hispanics in the American West portrays the daily lives, struggles, and triumphs of Spanish-speaking peoples from the arrival of Spanish conquistadors to the present, highlighting such defining moments as the years of Mexican sovereignty, the Mexican-American War, the coming of the railroad, the great Mexican migration in the early 20th century, the Great Depression, World War II, the Chicano Movement that arose in the mid-1960s, and more. Coverage includes Hispanics of all nationalities (not just Mexican, but Cuban, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan, among others) and ranges beyond the "traditional" Hispanic states (Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado) to look at newer communities of Spanish-speaking peoples in Oregon, Hawaii, and Utah. The result is a portrait of Hispanic American life in the West that is uniquely inclusive, insightful, and surprising.
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Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999
Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999
As immigrants came to the United States from Mexico, the term "Greater Mexico" was coined to specify the area of their greatest concentration. America's southwest border was soon heavily populated with Mexico's people, culture, and language. In Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999, however, Jorge Iber shows this Greater Mexico was even greater than presumed as he explores the Hispanic population in one of the "whitest" states in the Union--Utah. By 1997, Hispanics were a notable part of Utah's population as they could be found in all of the state's major cities working in tourist, industrial, and service occupations. Although these characteristics reflect the population trends in other states, Iber centers on those aspects that set Utah's Hispanic comunidad apart from the rest. Iber focuses on the significance of why many in the Utah Hispanic comunidad are leaving Catholicism for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). He examines how conversion affects the Spanish-speaking population and how these Hispanic believers are affecting the Mormon Church. Iber also concentrates on the geographic separation of Hispanics in Utah from their Mexican, Latin American, New Mexican, and Coloradoan roots. He examines patterns of Hispanic assimilation and acculturation in a setting which is vastly different from other Western and Southwestern states. Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999 is an important source for scholars in ethnic studies, American studies, religion, and Western history. Drawing on both oral and written histories collected by the University of Utah and many notable organizations including the American G.I. Forum, SOCIO, Centro de la Familia, the Salt Lake Catholic Diocese, and the LDS Church, Iber has compiled an interesting and informative study of the experience of Hispanics in Utah, which represents "another fragment in the expanding mosaic that is the history of the Spanish-speaking people of the United States."
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Who's Who in Cuban Baseball, 1878-1961
Who's Who in Cuban Baseball, 1878-1961
True professional baseball has not been played in Cuba since banned by the communist regime after the 1961 season, but there is a legacy of more than 70 years of continuous excellence by countless Cubans who played in the organized leagues of the island from 1878 to 1961. Scores of North Americans, white and black, and Latin Americans also played in Cuba during that time. Biographical and season-by-season statistical information for the many hundreds of Cuban, North American and Latin American players who took part in the Cuban leagues from 1878 to 1961 has been compiled in this work. The time period is divided into three eras. The first is from 1878 to 1899, the primitive years of the Cuban league; the second, 1900 to 1933, when the league opened its doors to welcome foreign players; and the third, from 1934 to 1961, the golden age that made Cuba then the second power in organized baseball. Birth and death dates for each player (if they could be determined) are provided. The statistical information for players includes the number of games played, at bats, hits, doubles, triples, home runs, and season average. The statistical information for pitchers includes the number of games pitched, complete games, win-loss record, and winning percentage.
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General History of the Caribbean
General History of the Caribbean
The title of Volume IV of the General History of the Caribbean, the Long Nineteenth Century, indicates its range, from the last years of the eighteenth to the first two decades of the twentieth. The volume begins during the hegemony of the European nations and the social and economic dominance of the slave masters. It ends with the hegemony of the United States of America and the economic dominance of American and European agricultural and mercantile corporations. The chapters provide thematic accounts of societies emerging from slavery at different times during the century and also of the circumstances that affected the extent to which these societies were autochthonous within their various territories. The book's survey of this span of 150 years begins with the Haitian Revolution and its repercussions both within the region and outside. It then examines in turn the variety of ways in which the emancipated, their ex-masters and the colonial powers related to each other in the economy, polity and society of various territories; the economy of sugar in decline; the hostility of local landed elites to the welfare of the emancipated, to the ways landless labourers adapted to survive, and to interregional migrations; the social and cultural transformations of new populations from Africa, India and China; the technical innovations in the sugar industry towards the end of the century that differentiate the interests of field owner from factory owner; the decline of white pre-eminence, yet their resistance to claims for autonomy and an end to colonial tutelage
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Cross-Cultural Research
Cross-Cultural Research
This pocket guide offers researchers a framework for conducting research in a culturally sensitive manner with individuals, families, and communities in diverse settings. This unique framework focuses on a process, rather than a typology of behaviors, attitudes, values, and beliefs. All too frequently, cross-cultural research improperly attributes behaviors, beliefs, and values entirely to culture, when a closer examination would reveal the shared influences of gender, socioeconomic status, immigration status, and racial and ethnic backgrounds that interact in complex ways. By encouraging practitioners to incorporate an intersectionality lens into their work, this pocket guide helps researchers reveal stories that are more than the sum of particular identities. Sharing their extensive research experience with diverse populations around the world, the authors present a range of fluid and dynamic cross-cultural research practices that readers can easily adapt to their unique circumstances. At the intersection of culture and research methods, chapters illustrate the application of the model to three broad areas of inquiry: describing the nature of a problem; understanding the etiology of the problem; and evaluating the interventions designed to ameliorate the problem. Each area is illustrated with examples of research projects that incorporate multiple epistemologies and methodologies in order to better understand and respond to a population's needs. This guide offers a complete roadmap for developing cross-cultural projects that truly engage communities, and will be a trusted resource for students and seasoned researchers alike.
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Complicaciones en cirugía laparoscópica y toracoscópica
Complicaciones en cirugía laparoscópica y toracoscópica
Durante los últimos años los autores hemos sido testigos y entusiastas participantes en una revolución sin precedentes en la historia de la cirugía. Los procedimientos de invasión mínima vinieron a cimbrar los cimientos de la cirugía general, que pasaba por una era de desarrollo lento, con chispas ocasionales que despertaban a los cirujanos del letargo y de la inmovilidad. Este texto de Complicaciones en cirugía laparoscópica y toracoscópica aborda un problema de candente actualidad, que existe y ocurre de manera cotidiana, aunque se le pretenda minimizar u ocultar. Con el propósito de hacerla didáctica, los editores incluyeron ejemplos de las complicaciones que han visto y otros casos que fueron presentados en las sesiones de morbimortalidad, con un juicio crítico sobre la causa de la complicación y la manera de evitarla.
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Ética, política y espíritu en Eduardo Frei Montalva
Ética, política y espíritu en Eduardo Frei Montalva
La figura de Eduardo Frei Montalva no se ha quedado inmóvil en el tiempo y tampoco se limita al tremendo recuerdo de su obra, pues su pensamiento y acción entregan enseñanzas válidas ayer y hoy, todo lo cual permite decir que, siguiendo a Hanna Arendt, su pasado se puede ver con ojos de futuro. En tiempos en que la política se empequeñece, cuando los slogans fáciles reinan en las asambleas, junto a un fundamentalismo de quienes han descubierto una convicción que pretenden imponer al resto, Frei se levanta como un verdadero líder, un político a carta cabal, un hombre culto, serio, de vida austera, que supera los márgenes nacionalistas, para entregar una visión del mundo y sus transformaciones. En Frei encontramos una figura con estilo, identidad, perfil propio, propuesta programática, sentido de mundo, inspiración doctrinaria, capacidad política; hombre de estado, conductor político, alguien que, como lo titulara en uno de sus libros, integraba debidamente el pensamiento y la acción.
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