Barnum and Bullets
GIANT ACTION! GIANT ADVENTURE! THE GUNSMITH GIANT BARNUM AND BULLETS Special Giant Edition Manhattan may have the greatest show on earth, but New York's never seen a performer like the Gunsmith! Clint Adams was heartbroken, but not over a woman. He was suffering because he'd had to put his horse, Duke, out to pasture. So where better to get it off his mind and have a little fun than New York City? But the Gunsmith's reputation precedes him and it's no time at all before he's roped into a job as P. T. Barnum's personal bodyguard. It seems somebody's out to get the circus king, but things may not be as simple as they look. There's also the matter of separating the master showman's humbugs and hoodwinks from the cold hard truth. In the end, Barnum has the Gunsmith so spun around he can't tell if he's drawing a bead on a wannabe killer or about to shoot himself in the foot...