The Forgotten Man
The Index covers the four published volumes of the author's essays.--The coöperative commonwealth.--The forgotten man (1883)--Bibliography (p. [497]-518)--Index. Preface.--Protectionism, the -ism which teaches that waste makes wealth (1885)--Tariff reform (1888)--What is free trade? (1886)--Protectionism twenty years after (1906)--Prosperity strangled by gold (1896)--Cause and cure of hard times (1896)--The free-coinage scheme is impracticable at every point (1896)--The delusion of the debtors (1896)--The crime of 1873 (1896)--A concurrent circulation of gold and silver (1878)--The influence of commercial crises on opinions about economic doctrines (1879)--The philosophy of strikes (1883)--Strikes and the industrial organization (1887)--Trusts and trade-unions (1888)--An old "trust" (1889)--Shall Americans own ships? (1881)--Politics in America, 1776-1876 (1876)--The administration of Andrew Jackson (1880)--The commercial crisis of 1837 (1877 or 1878)--The science of sociology (1882)--Integrity in education.--Discipline.