Stop to Consider
It's certainly tempting to focus on a narrow topic and then compile the output into a coherent collection of thoughts, insights, musings, and ramblings. If I had done that, you would now be checking out a regular book, a systematic look at a specific area within a defined subject. You would be reasonably assured of learning a lot about a limited range of possibilities.Yes indeed, a coherent collection would be totally terrific; but that gets us around to that being organized thing. Usually, the best I can do is to be sort of coherent. The result is this collection that isn't exactly coherently organized. Rather, it's only pretty interesting and full of this and that.My goal is to tempt you to "Stop to Consider" the ideas and concepts, musings and observations. Perhaps you will find a few notions to which you actually want to give some serious thought. You may even want to jot down some of your ideas for your own coherent collection. If not, just consider your journey through the essays as research.The book starts with Perspectives on This & That including such valuable considerations as the importance of leaving getting angry to the pros, the absurdity of trying to make an apple pie from scratch, along with twenty-two equally essential examples of wisdom you may have somehow overlooked.Section two focuses on character and virtue starting with the key to virtue. From there, you move on to see that conscience has an attitude, learn about the god of good manners and eight more virtuous notions no one ever bothered to tell you.Section three shares perspectives on children and families that may be new or perhaps very familiar. Either way, they are well worth a first or second look. Remembering the marriage triangle, the loving touch, and that children are people too always deserve a moment's attention.Section Four shares perspectives on interpersonal excellence that are brief but spot on. You are advised to avoid thoughtless caution, indecision, and to value a less arbitrary social fabric. These along with fifty or so more useful perspectives guide you away from the mediocre and toward personal excellence.In section five, consideration shifts to personal success which starts with understanding that failure is merely an event. To succeed you need to avoid superman thinking and a fear of consequences while you travel the road to success. There are seventeen perspectives on success that will smooth your journey.The book finishes with important perspectives on leadership. You see that it is not always about the leader. Within the fifteen perspectives, you find important perspectives on leadership and virtue, leadership and success, and think about when a leader is not needed.The book concludes with this thought from Fanny Brice, "Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?"