How Political Singers Facilitated the Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1960-1982
This study offers an examination of the work of popular Spanish singer-songwriters, Victor Manuel, Joaquin Sabina and Ana Belen, and the connection between their works and the broader context of the Spanish democratic transition (1960-1982). This work should appeal to scholars interested in political science, history, cultural studies and Hispanic studies. singer-songwriters Victor Manuel and Joaquin Sabina and in those by well-known female political singer Ana Belen between the years 1968 and 1982. It examines the connections that existed between their works and the broader Spanish context of the Transition (1960-1982) to democracy. It also explores the representations of Spanish national identity - with special reference to gender differences - that appeared in their texts between 1968 and 1982. It compares the relationship that existed between representations of the nation and national identity in their musical work and Francoist notions of Spain and Spanishness as constructed in different hegemonic discourses. Finally, this book examines some of the most relevant roles that Spanish cancion de autor/a, cantautores and cantantes politicos fulfilled at the time of the Transition, especially among different anti-Francoist collectives.