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Jihād in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions
Jihād in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions
In Jihād in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions, a preeminent historian of Africa argues that scholars of the Americas and the Atlantic world have not given Africa its due consideration as part of either the Atlantic world or the age of revolutions. The book examines the jihād movement in the context of the age of revolutions—commonly associated with the American and French revolutions and the erosion of European imperialist powers—and shows how West Africa, too, experienced a period of profound political change in the late eighteenth through the mid-nineteenth centuries. Paul E. Lovejoy argues that West Africa was a vital actor in the Atlantic world and has wrongly been excluded from analyses of the period. Among its chief contributions, the book reconceptualizes slavery. Lovejoy shows that during the decades in question, slavery expanded extensively not only in the southern United States, Cuba, and Brazil but also in the jihād states of West Africa. In particular, this expansion occurred in the Muslim states of the Sokoto Caliphate, Fuuta Jalon, and Fuuta Toro. At the same time, he offers new information on the role antislavery activity in West Africa played in the Atlantic slave trade and the African diaspora. Finally, Jihād in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions provides unprecedented context for the political and cultural role of Islam in Africa—and of the concept of jihād in particular—from the eighteenth century into the present. Understanding that there is a long tradition of jihād in West Africa, Lovejoy argues, helps correct the current distortion in understanding the contemporary jihād movement in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Africa.
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Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics E-Book
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics E-Book
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics has been the world’s most trusted pediatrics resource for nearly 75 years. Drs. Robert Kliegman, Bonita Stanton, Richard Behrman, and two new editors—Drs. Joseph St. Geme and Nina Schor—continue to provide the most authoritative coverage of the best approaches to care. This streamlined new edition covers the latest on genetics, neurology, infectious disease, melamine poisoning, sexual identity and adolescent homosexuality, psychosis associated with epilepsy, and more. Understand the principles of therapy and which drugs and dosages to prescribe for every disease. Locate key content easily and identify clinical conditions quickly thanks to a full-color design and full-color photographs. Access the fully searchable text online at, along with abundant case studies, new references and journal articles, Clinics articles, and exclusive web-only content. Stay current on recent developments and hot topics such as melamine poisoning, long-term mechanical ventilation in the acutely ill child, sexual identity and adolescent homosexuality, age-specific behavior disturbances, and psychosis associated with epilepsy. Tap into substantially enhanced content with world-leading clinical and research expertise from two new editors—Joseph St. Geme, III, MD and Nina Schor, MD—who contribute on the key subspecialties, including pediatric infectious disease and pediatric neurology. Manage the transition to adult healthcare for children with chronic diseases through discussions of the overall health needs of patients with congenital heart defects, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis. Recognize, diagnose, and manage genetic conditions more effectively using an expanded section that covers these diseases, disorders, and syndromes extensively. Find information on chronic and common dermatologic problems more easily with a more intuitive reorganization of the section.
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Oysters in the Land of Cacao
Oysters in the Land of Cacao
For decades, the Chontalpa region of Tabasco, Mexico, conjured images of the possible origins of the Itzá, who migrated, conquered, or otherwise influenced much of Mesoamerica. In Oysters in the Land of Cacao, archaeologist Bradley E. Ensor provides an important resource for Mesoamerican Gulf Coast archaeology by offering a new and detailed picture of the coastal sites vital to understanding regional interactions and social dynamics. This book synthesizes data from multiyear investigations at a coastal site complex in Tabasco—Islas de Los Cerros (ILC)—providing the first modern, systematic descriptions and analyses of material culture that challenge preconceptions while enabling new perspectives on cultural developments from the Formative to Late Classic periods through the lens of regional comparisons and contemporary theoretical trends. Ensor introduces a political ecological understanding of the environment and archaeological features, overturns a misconception that the latter were formative shell middens, provides an alternative pottery classification more appropriate for the materials and for contemporary theory, and introduces new approaches for addressing formation processes and settlement history. Building on the empirical analyses and discussions of problems in Mesoamerican archaeology, this book contributes new approaches to practice and agency perspectives, holistically integrating intra- and interclass agency, kinship strategies, gender and age dynamics, layered cultural identities, landscapes, social memory, and foodways and feasting. Oysters in the Land of Cacao addresses issues important to coastal archaeology within and beyond Mesoamerica. It delivers an overdue regional synthesis and new observations on settlement patterns, elite power, and political economies.
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Disorganized Crimes
Disorganized Crimes
Corporate misgovernance and the failure of government regulation have led to major financial fiascos. 'Disorganized crimes' are disruptive and costly. Munk links the two major eras of corporate misgovernance during the last decade to explain how these events occur and what can be done to prevent them from re-occurring.
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A Leadership Strategy
A Leadership Strategy
Leadership is time-consuming, and it requires a strategic plan for leaders to be successful. In A Leadership Strategy, author Dr. Sharon E. Downey offers a guide for emerging leaders and those in a leadership role. It provides leadership direction in nine different sequential building blocks: • position vs. process—both stances of position and stances of process; • leadership mindset as part of developing a leadership stance; • leadership development and practices that can support leadership styles, such as mentoring, coaching, and consulting; • leadership effectiveness and practices that can develop and improve the overall effectiveness of leaders; • measuring leadership effectiveness and efficiency, such as leadership index, 360 feedback, and instrument tools; • challenges in leadership, along with solutions for overcoming challenges; • diversity in leadership, providing insight on how to have openness to others’ opinions and values; • faith in leadership and servant leadership; and • pearls of leadership and the rewards and benefits of good leadership, making a difference and changing lives within organizations. Based on Downey’s professional experience, A Leadership Strategy advocates leadership philosophy and its real-world usage within organizations.
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Nursing Diagnosis Manual
Nursing Diagnosis Manual
Identify interventions to plan, individualize, and document care. Updated with the latest diagnoses and interventions from NANDA-I 2021-2023, here’s the resource you’ll turn to again and again to select the appropriate diagnosis and to plan, individualize, and document care for more than 800 diseases and disorders. Only in the Nursing Diagnosis Manual will you find for each diagnosis…defining characteristics presented subjectively and objectively - sample clinical applications to ensure you have selected the appropriate diagnoses - prioritized action/interventions with rationales - a documentation section, and much more!
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Leading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency
Leading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency
"Leading Change through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency is rooted in the proven tools of Cultural Proficiency and a case study of an actual P-12 school district that contended with its own approach to teaching and valuing students of diverse backgrounds. Using vignettes focused on community engagement, leadership, implementation frameworks, and collaborative professional learning communities, the authors demonstrate and recommend organizational changes necessary for uncovering and remedying inequities like those described above. The book is designed to support school leaders in developing policies and fostering practices that respond to the educational and social needs of all students"--
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Peirce's Pragmaticism
Peirce's Pragmaticism
Praised by Bertrand Russell as “one of the most original minds” and “certainly the greatest American thinker ever,” Charles Sanders Peirce invented “pragmaticism.” Vulgarized by William James and others, Peirce’s revolutionary semiotic recognizes chance, fortuitous happenings, serendipity, in understanding lawful paradigm-shifts in history. Peirce’s thought envisions a process-oriented community of inquirers engaged in confronting urgent social problems by clarifying the groundwork of meanings, beliefs, purposes, ideologies. E. San Juan’s project seeks to excavate the radical resonance of Peirce’s desire for “concrete reasonableness,” an ideal realized in the philosopher’s endeavor to fuse scientific theory and collective praxis, nature and the universal human potential still chained in alienated labor. Peirce’s hypothesis of transforming the conduct of our lives remains not only to be analyzed and interpreted further but also tested in actual practice by future generations of inquirers and activists.
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El Códice mendocino: nuevas perspectivas
El Códice mendocino: nuevas perspectivas
Conceptualizado como una contribución a la continua construcción de la identidad del Códice mendocino, el presente volumen está organizado en torno a tres ejes: el análisis material, la interpretación textual y estilística, y la recepción y transmisión del manuscrito. Los estudios de Barker Benfield y MOLAB abren una ventana hacia el entendimiento objetivo de la materialidad del manuscrito. El proceso de conservación y reencuadernamiento del Mendocino registrado por Barker Benfield ha disipado especulaciones en cuanto al método de construcción del manuscrito y sus posibles encuadernaciones previas, permitiendo que conexiones antes aceptadas, como la autoría de Francisco Gualpuyogualcal, sean reexaminadas. Asimismo, el análisis llevado a cabo por el equipo de MOLAB —liderado por Davide Domenici— ha sacado del ámbito de la especulación la naturaleza de los pigmentos del manuscrito, así como ha permitido que hipótesis interpretativas —previamente articuladas al respecto del significado de pigmentos específicos y lo estricto de su aplicación en el tlacuilolli— sean refinadas y contenidas. Si bien el color tiene significado para el tlacuilo, este no está directa y necesariamente ligado a su materialidad. A partir de estas observaciones se puede desarrollar una nueva generación de estudios interpretativos cuyas propuestas se basen en datos cada vez más certeros acerca de la naturaleza material del Mendocino. Los estudios interpretativos del manuscrito que ocupan el presente volumen representan una línea de investigación que, al considerar al manuscrito desde la perspectiva compleja de la obra de arte, bibliográfica y literaria, complementa las lecturas antropológicas e históricas que se han hecho del Mendocino en estudios anteriores. Así, los ensayos de Diana Magaloni, Daniela Bleichmar y Jorge Gómez Tejada, editor del libro, reconsideran el número y estilo de los artistas que crearon el manuscrito para entender tanto el proceso de creación del mismo como el lugar que este ocupa en el contexto artístico del virreinato temprano. Las decisiones que estos artistas e intelectuales toman en el Mendocino, lejos de insertarse en una relación binaria dominante-dominado, se presentan como una manifestación de los modos de pensar y ver el espacio y el tiempo en el mundo mesoamericano. Las pinturas del Mendocino —ejecutadas a manera de taller en donde uno, dos o más individuos intervienen en una misma página para crear de manera sincronizada una sola composición, tal como demuestra quien escribe— toman visos de ritualidad y funcionan como "instrumento para re-crear, reactualizar y hacer coherente el devenir histórico ligado al territorio y los patrones cósmicos" (ver Capítulo 4). Esta última observación complementa y refuerza la lectura de la tercera sección del manuscrito propuesta por Joanne Harwood, para quien, independientemente de lo original de las soluciones visuales utilizadas para componer esta sección del manuscrito, su modelo prehispánico se encuentra en un género de resonancia religiosa mesoamericana: el teoamoxtli.
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The Adult Hip
The Adult Hip
This two volume set contains comprehensive coverage of management of disorders of the adult hip. It includes all arthroscopic and open procedures as well as extensive coverage of equipment and prostheses.
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