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The USA and The World 2012
The USA and The World 2012
Instant interpretive history is a difficult and demanding task, and certainly more of an art than some would suggest. USA and the World endeavors to describe not only what happened, but to put events in the context of the past and to criticize policy actions as appropriate. The result goes deeper than most of what appears in current publications. USA and the World is solid enough to be useful for those who write future books in due course. It is meant for the lay reader, but with a special eye to students of all ages.
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The USA and The World 2018-2019
The USA and The World 2018-2019
Instant interpretive history is a difficult and demanding task, and certainly more of an art than some would suggest. USA and the World describes not only what happened, but puts events in the context of the past and criticizes policy actions as appropriate. The result goes deeper than most of what appears in current publications. Updated annually and part of the renowned “World Today Series,” USA and the World presents an unusually penetrating look into America and its relationship to the rest of the world. The combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with its informed projections make this an outstanding resource for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors and students. Now in its 14th edition, the content is thorough yet perfect for a one-semester introductory course or general library reference. Available in both print and e-book formats and priced low to fit student budgets.
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The USA and The World 2024–2025
The USA and The World 2024–2025
The World Today Series: USA and The World describes not only what happened, but puts events in the context of the past and criticizes policy actions as appropriate. The result goes deeper than most of what appears in current publications. Updated annually and part of the renowned “World Today Series,” USA and the World presents an unusually penetrating look into America and its relationship to the rest of the world. The combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with its informed projections make this an outstanding resource for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors and students. Now in its 19th edition, the content is thorough yet perfect for a one-semester introductory course or general library reference.
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International Organisation in World Politics
International Organisation in World Politics
Since the end of the Cold War, international organisations have assumed a greater importance on the world stage. The United Nations has played a key role in all of the major security issues during this period - increasingly called upon to address other global problems such as poverty and international crime - while the European Union has created a single currency and moved towards the adoption of a constitution. The growing significance of the World Trade Organisation and other economic institutions has led some to talk of the emergence of a structure of global governance; and international non-governmental organisations and social movements are now widely seen as forming a kind of global civil society that both challenges and participates in these developments. Building on the success of the previous edition (Versailles to Maastricht: International Organisation in the Twentieth Century), this book is a valuable introduction to the complex history of modern international organisation. David Armstrong, Lorna Lloyd and John Redmond: - Pay close attention to the League of Nations, the UN and the EU. - Offer chapters on the new regionalism, global governance and international regimes and global civil society. - Adopt a thematic and analytical approach to the subject. - Provide a concise factual account of the rise of the international organisation.
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The USA and The World 2016-2017
The USA and The World 2016-2017
Instant interpretive history is a difficult and demanding task, and certainly more of an art than some would suggest. USA and the World describes not only what happened, but puts events in the context of the past and criticizes policy actions as appropriate. The result goes deeper than most of what appears in current publications. Updated annually and part of the renowned “World Today Series,” USA and the World presents an unusually penetrating look into America and its relationship to the rest of the world. The combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with its informed projections make this an outstanding resource for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors and students. Now in its tenth edition, the content is thorough yet perfect for a one-semester introductory course or general library reference. Available in both print and e-book formats and priced low to fit student budgets.
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The USA and The World 2014
The USA and The World 2014
Instant interpretive history is a difficult and demanding task, and certainly more of an art than some would suggest. USA and the World describes not only what happened, but puts events in the context of the past and criticizes policy actions as appropriate.
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Humanitarian Engineering
Humanitarian Engineering
Humanitarian Engineering reviews the development of engineering as a distinct profession and of the humanitarian movement as a special socio-political practice. Having noted that the two developments were situated in the same geographical and historical space -- that is, in Europe and North America beginning in the 1700s -- the book argues for a mutual influence and synthesis that has previously been lacking. In this spirit, the first of two central chapters describes humanitarian engineering as the artful drawing on science to direct the resources of nature with active compassion to meet the basic needs of all -- especially the powerless, poor, or otherwise marginalized. A second central chapter then considers strategies for education in humanitarian engineering so conceived. Two final chapters consider challenges and implications. Table of Contents: Engineering / Humanitarianism / Humanitarian Engineering / Humanitarian Engineering Education / Challenges / Conclusion: Humanizing Technology
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Small Farmers, Big Business
Small Farmers, Big Business
This book deals with an agricultural production and marketing system known as contract farming (CF). In this system, a public or private agency purchases the crops of independent farmers through contracts, often providing inputs, technical assistance and marketing. CF has a long history in developed countries and has spread to the Third World. The book uses case studies from North America, Latin America and Africa to assess the experience to date and provide guidelines for the use of CF in the future.
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Fundamentals of Matrix Computations
Fundamentals of Matrix Computations
A significantly revised and improved introduction to a critical aspect of scientific computation Matrix computations lie at the heart of most scientific computational tasks. For any scientist or engineer doing large-scale simulations, an understanding of the topic is essential. Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition explains matrix computations and the accompanying theory clearly and in detail, along with useful insights. This Second Edition of a popular text has now been revised and improved to appeal to the needs of practicing scientists and graduate and advanced undergraduate students. New to this edition is the use of MATLAB for many of the exercises and examples, although the Fortran exercises in the First Edition have been kept for those who want to use them. This new edition includes: * Numerous examples and exercises on applications including electrical circuits, elasticity (mass-spring systems), and simple partial differential equations * Early introduction of the singular value decomposition * A new chapter on iterative methods, including the powerful preconditioned conjugate-gradient method for solving symmetric, positive definite systems * An introduction to new methods for solving large, sparse eigenvalue problems including the popular implicitly-restarted Arnoldi and Jacobi-Davidson methods With in-depth discussions of such other topics as modern componentwise error analysis, reorthogonalization, and rank-one updates of the QR decomposition, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition will prove to be a versatile companion to novice and practicing mathematicians who seek mastery of matrix computation.
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