Next Steps for K-12 Education
This document records testimony from a hearing held to learn what actions the Department of Education intends to take to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act and to help ensure the department acts in a manner that strictly adheres to the letter and intent of the law. Under the new law, authority over accountability, teacher quality, and school improvement is restored to State and local leaders. The law also brings new transparency and accountability to the department's rulemaking process, ends the era of federally mandated high-stakes testing, repeals dozens of ineffective programs, and sets the department on the path of becoming smaller, not bigger. Member statements were provided by: (1) Honorable John Kline, Chairman, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives; and (2) Honorable Robert C. Scott, Ranking Member, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives. A witness statement was provided by: Honorable John B. King, Acting Secretary, U.S. Department of Education. Additional submissions include: (1) Mr. Scott: Letter dated February 25, 2016 from Dignity In Schools; (2) Honorable Glenn Thompson, a Representative in Congress from the state of Pennsylvania: Letter dated February 25, 2016 from National School Boards Association (NSBA); (3) Honorable Joe Wilson, a Representative in Congress from the state of South Carolina; (4) Questions submitted for the record by: Chairman Kline; Mr. Thompson; and Honorable Luke Messer, a Representative in Congress from the state of Indiana; and (5) A response to questions submitted for the record by Acting Secretary King.