Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #27
The 27th issue of Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine features new and classic mystery tales! FEATURES: From Watson’s Notebooks, by John H Watson, M D Ask Mrs Hudson, by (Mrs) Martha Hudson NON FICTION: Screen of the Crime, by Kim Newman Carnivory, Darwin, and Doyle, by O’Neill Curatolo “Someday the Truth Will Come Out”, by Chris Chan Dr. Watson and True Facts, by Bruce Harris FICTION The Red-Faced League, by Hal Charles Such Good Friends, by Dianne Neral Ell The Strange Disappearance of the Talking Horse, by Ron Goulart A Death in Baltimore, by Arjay Lewis Jewels in the Sun, by Laird Long The Unexpected, by J.P. Seewald “Lease With Option to Buy”, by Ellen Wight The Adventure of Silver Blaze, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle