The Haskins Society Journal 12
Recent research on the Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, Viking and Angevin worlds of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The latest volume of the Haskins Society Journal presents recent research on the Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, Viking and Angevin worlds of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. A set of articles explores aspects of Anglo-Saxonhistory, including the law of the highway, lordship formulas, royal succession in the ninth century, and the image of kinship under Edward the Confessor. Other contributions examine twelfth-century historians, saints lives in Normandy and Iceland, relationships between religious houses and the laity in thirteenth-century England, and eleventh-century Angevin dispute resolution. This volume of the Haskins Society Journal includes papers read at the 20th Annual Conference of the Charles Homer Haskins Society at Cornell University in October 2001 as well as other contributions. Contributors include DAVE POSTLES, JOHN GILLINGHAM, ALAN COOPER, THOMAS D. HILL, RICHARD ABELS, LYNN JONES, ASDIS EDILSDOTTIR, SAMANTHAT KAHN HERRICK, HENK TEUNIS, BERNARD S. BACHRACH.