The Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives. Did you know that the above words are just the beginning of a longer prayer? In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer accessible to everyday people. He looks at the prayer from a Christian perspective, sharing his own experiences with addiction but broadening the book to address the struggles that come to all of us, regardless of whether we are in recovery. Hudson addresses addictions that differ from the stereotypical, such as eating compulsively, overworking, or filling one's life with religious activity. He challenges you to make this prayer part of your daily devotions and to pray it with others. Each brief chapter contains a single-paragraph summary called "In a Nutshell." Hudson then poses a thought-provoking question or suggestion for reflection and ends with a scripture passage related to the chapter topic. Learn how this simple prayer can transform your life, bringing peace into even the messiest situations.