Biblical Studies on the Prophecies of the Rapture and Revelation
Biblical Studies on the Prophecies of the Rapture and Revelation - is an introduction to and exploration of the Bibles teachings on the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. It distinguishes the Rapture from the Revelation. It affirms the Premillennial / Pre-tribulation Rapture / and Dispensational views. Explored are various theological positions of the Return of Christ, Biblical history, Church history, and insights from key Scripture passages. Russell writes for inquiring laity, clergy and seminarians. This work provides edification, inspiration, a wealth of Biblical knowledge; working together strands of history, theology, Biblical studies, statistics and even humor. The book addresses the Unconditional Covenant God made with Israel; kindly refutes Replacement theology / the Amil and Postmil views; defines Daniels 70th Week; considers the future Tribulation, Millennium; reminds of Gods Sovereignty and Providence, warns of sensationalism, date setting; presents signs of the times, and touches on Apostasy. The book is a comprehensive eschatological work with significant amounts of doctrine, Biblical history, the history of Christianity, and interrelated eschatological considerations. It also admonishes practical Christian living and encourages seeking paths of holy living. If you desire to understand the distinctions between the Rapture and the Revelation, seek a challenging and rewarding journey of study, and if you would find your faith strengthened and your understanding increased, this book will be a helpful guide to your exploration.