Google War
Bestselling author David Alexander has penned what critics hail as the ultimate thriller/technothriller. GOOGLE WAR is the result of groundbreaking authorship by an author whose last novel is always the next novel of the competition, and whose next novel goes far beyond what others even conceive as possible. "As with all other thrillers by David Alexander, the "techno" aspect in no way overshadows the "thriller" part. Here too, the author has developed characters and situations that take Google War giant steps beyond conventional thriller fare, projecting scenarios that extrapolate the future from present situations with an uncanny sense of the probable ... it's as if David Alexander wrote this thriller as dictated by his crystal ball." -- Daily News Virtually everything in GOOGLE WAR, every element of plot and characterization, every riff and hook of story, is based on actual events, technologies and in some cases, personalities and the threads of its plot have been deliberately interwoven to project a forward-looking scenario at threats and solutions. One of the themes of the novel is the threat to human society posed by artificial intelligence, a so-called Terminator Effect. The threat from AI includes that described from neuromorphic technologies, which can bridge the gap between machine intelligence and the human nervous system. "While many of the scenes bear an eerie resemblance to contemporary events -- a viral pandemic whose causes are murky, the hunt for and killing of a terrorist chieftain guilty of genocidal crimes, the waging of distant littoral operations in remote regions of the world, the battles in Congress, the Pentagon and White House to cope with growing insurgency – the story is so exciting precisely because it mirrors rather than apes headlines or regurgitates current events. Nor is this a "Jack Armstrong" or even "Jack Ryan" saga, relying on superficial and often laughably naive knowledge of military, political, geostrategic, technological and cultural trends that are at the very core of the exciting and well informed story that features in Google War." --Times of London GOOGLE WAR is continued proof of Author David Alexander's uncanny ability to create riveting fiction that reads like a headline New York Times story. "It's as if Alexander has a crystal ball and uses it to sneak a peak at world-changing events before they happen, then write it as fiction." The New York Times called GOOGLE WAR by David Alexander "...perhaps the best thriller of its type to have come along all year!" USA Today applauded author David Alexander, declaring that "Among the possible three finest thriller authors today, Alexander easily takes first place." In GOOGLE WAR, terrorism, cyberwar, biowar and robotic war combine into the rolling thunder of advanced hybrid war. This is a fifth generation form of warfare that attacks through 5G systems of the global Internet and makes all other types of warfare obsolete. When this storm gets rolling everyone is a combatant and everything can potentially become an enemy weapon. Even the human brain is not immune to the invasion of weaponized nanoparticles that can take control of the human nervous system and turn victims into humanoid robots programmed to kill. "'Where exactly David Alexander gets his ideas from, we can't say. What we can say is that this author is light years ahead of just about any other thriller author in the world and promises to continue on a rocketing trajectory into the farthest reaches of novelistic fame. Most amazingly, Alexander appears not to owe literary dues to anyone who has come before; he is a creative law unto himself, inventing everything as if he had a magician's ability to pull entire worlds out of an upturned top hat then make it all magically disappear in a puff of smoke. At thriller writing, David Alexander is a wizard. As an author with scores of great novels to his credit, he is also a one-man industrial giant." --Kirkus Reviews "Always the consummate prose stylist, David Alexander also speaks tech talk like no other. What's more, the tech specs are undoubtedly real, including those that pertain to ostensibly stolen or covertly obtained Russian and Chinese weapons that have been reverse-engineered by [US military technology development agency] DARPA. Alexander's security clearance is probably higher than the president's, and his knowledge of military systems better than any three members of the joint chiefs of staff," said New York Newsday of David Alexander's blockbuster thriller, GWAR. In page after page of this startling, revolutionary technothriller, Alexander makes bold proclamations that while portrayed as fiction, may be more than that. GOOGLE WAR. By author David Alexander. Find out what it really means to be unable to stop reading a novel. Find out what it really means to read a thriller by an accomplished author. Read GOOGLE WAR. Today.