Using WEB 2.0 Tools in the K-12 Classroom
In this resource you’ll find a host of Web 2.0 tools available on the Internet today, plus teaching and learning strategies to use them in the K-12 classroom. Language arts, science, and social studies unit lesson plans included in each chapter exemplify topics at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Each chapter focuses on a specific Web 2.0 tool: Blogs--high school science study; Podcasts--immigrant topic for the elementary classroom; Wikis--learning about novels in high school; Video/digital storytelling about energy; Google tools (e.g., Google Earth, Maps, Docs)--current events in social studies; VoiceThread--language learning for non-native speakers; Social bookmarking--Earth Day projects. Each chapter incorporates a glossary; a description of the particular tool; examples of its use in the K-12 curriculum; how to get started, and a unit plan focused on learning strategies. Exercises in each chapter reinforce the concepts. Readers get a complete listing of all Web sites mentioned plus access to a Web site for exercises, new URLs, and more.