Saving America
Fundamentalist capitalism offers nothing to many Americans, who have little or no control over their futures and are underrepresented or not represented at all in the political sector. Only Democratic Capitalism offers them much hope. The book is extremely critical of those on the right who have brought on our monumental debt with their outdated and flawed notions. The United States of America has many problems; some real and serious, others phony and distracting. But some Americans blame government for being out of touch with them while they themselves remain out of touch with government. Americans have created the nationOCOs problems themselves through their collective will and/or actions and it is up to them to make the necessary decisions to get out of that mess. Americans had a chance to cut short the massive federal debtOCoonly to ignore the warnings. George H. W. Bush told the American public in 1980 that the economic proposals of Ronald Reagan amounted to OC Voodoo economicsOCO. Walter Mondale said in the 1984 campaign that the growing debt was a danger that should be addressed with taxes. President Reagan, who campaigned OC to stay the course, OCO offered what at best could be termed a fairy tale. Politicians will always give what it appears the people want, and the people spoke loud and clear for more fiscal recklessness which future generations may have to pay for. There is a way to a new-and-improved America that may not be as painful or require as much sacrifice as some mainstream pundits believe, but it will require much more than many politicians claim or most Americans want. Politicians on the right continue to tell Americans all will be okay and an economic paradise will bloom if taxesOCousually their taxesOCoare lowered and government simply spends less, except for the military, and to pay interest to those persons and institutions which spent years loading up on Treasury bills, notes and bonds. That is the most-irresponsible position any person can take. The solution, this book intends to show, is to reject the desire to return to the robber-baron pastOCofundamentalist capitalismOCoand to recommit the nation to a path toward Democratic Capitalism begun under Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression, but which has been under attack since the days of the Vietnam Conflict."