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The Jefferson Bible
The Jefferson Bible
The life and times of a uniquely American testament In his retirement, Thomas Jefferson edited the New Testament with a penknife and glue, removing all mention of miracles and other supernatural events. Inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, Jefferson hoped to reconcile Christian tradition with reason by presenting Jesus of Nazareth as a great moral teacher—not a divine one. Peter Manseau tells the story of the Jefferson Bible, exploring how each new generation has reimagined the book in its own image as readers grapple with both the legacy of the man who made it and the place of religion in American life. Completed in 1820 and rediscovered by chance in the late nineteenth century after being lost for decades, Jefferson's cut-and-paste scripture has meant different things to different people. Some have held it up as evidence that America is a Christian nation founded on the lessons of the Gospels. Others see it as proof of the Founders' intent to root out the stubborn influence of faith. Manseau explains Jefferson's personal religion and philosophy, shedding light on the influences and ideas that inspired him to radically revise the Gospels. He situates the creation of the Jefferson Bible within the broader search for the historical Jesus, and examines the book's role in American religious disputes over the interpretation of scripture. Manseau describes the intrigue surrounding the loss and rediscovery of the Jefferson Bible, and traces its remarkable reception history from its first planned printing in 1904 for members of Congress to its persistent power to provoke and enlighten us today.
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The Textual History of 2 Kings 17
The Textual History of 2 Kings 17
The textual history of the Books of Kings forms one of the most complex and debated issues in the modern text-historical scholarship. This book examines and reconstructs the textual history of 2 Kings 17 in light of the preserved textual evidence. The analysis of textual differences between the LXX, the Old Latin, and the MT allows the reconstruction of the oldest text attainable. The Old Latin version appears to have in many cases best preserved the Old Greek edition of the chapter, now lost in the Greek witnesses due to Hebraizing revisions. The Old Greek version of 2 Kings 17 evidences a Hebrew Vorlage often radically differing from the MT. In most cases the MT exhibits signs of later editing. The LXX can thus help the scholars reconstruct multiple text-historical layers previously out of our reach, as well as shed new light on certain historiographical details recounted in 2 Kings 17. As supposed by the literary critics for well over a century, the textual data shows beyond doubt that there happened vast editing and rewriting of the Books of Kings even at very late date. Text-critical considerations are therefore not only useful, but invaluable to all scholarly work on 2 Kings 17, and the Books of Kings as a whole.
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On the Trail of the Septuagint Translators
On the Trail of the Septuagint Translators
The essays of this revised and expanded collection were written by Prof. Anneli Aejmelaeus over a period of 25 years. The thread that runs through all these essays and holds the collection together is translation technique, which is characterized as a central aspect of methodology rather than an object of study. Only by tracing the trail of the Septuagint translators is it possible to gain a reliable picture of the different translators and of the Hebrew Vorlage their work was based on. The themes dealt with in the individual essays range from the study of syntactical features of the Greek language used in the Septuagint to the quest for the correct understanding of the underlying Hebrew, from the overall description of the translation character of certain biblical books to the application of translation technical data in textual criticism of the Hebrew text, and from methodological questions to the discussion of theological interpretation by the translators, reflecting the ongoing discussion in the international field of Septuagint studies and representing a significant and distinctive critical position in it.
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Discovering, Deciphering and Dissenting
Discovering, Deciphering and Dissenting
The discovery of Hebrew manuscripts of Ben Sira in the Cairo Genizah has shaped and transformed the interpretation of the book. It is argued here that a proper appreciation of the manuscripts themselves is also essential for understanding this ancient work. Since their discovery 120 years ago and subsequent identification of leaves, attention has been directed to the interpretation of the ancient book, the Wisdom of Ben Sira. Serious consideration should also be given to the Hebrew manuscripts themselves and their particular contributions to understanding the language and transmission of the book. The surprising appearance of a work that was preserved by Christians and denounced by some Rabbis raises questions over the preservation of the book. At the same time, diversity among the manuscripts means that exegesis has to be built on an appreciation of the individual manuscripts. The contributors examine the manuscripts in this light, examining their discovery, the codicology and reception of the manuscripts within rabbinic and medieval Judaism, and the light they throw on the Hebrew language and poetic techniques. The book is essential reading for those working on Ben Sira, the reception of the deuterocanon, and Medieval Hebrew manuscripts.
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The 1611 King James Version was a revision of multiple English Bibles from the 1500s: Tyndale’s Bible, Coverdale’s Bible, Matthew’s Bible, Taverner’s Bible, the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, and the Bishops’ Bible. The 1611 King James Bible translators stated in the Preface that they knew others would revise their work too (1) as more manuscripts came to light and (2) translators had a better understanding of biblical Hebrew and Greek. How many versions of the King James are there? Eventually, five different editions of the King James Version were produced in 1611, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769. It is the 1769 edition which is most commonly cited as the King James Version (KJV). The next major revision of the English Bible came in 1881, 1885 Revised Version) and 1901 American Standard Version. Over 30,000 changes were made, of which more than 5,000 represent differences between the Greek text used for the Revised Version and that used as the basis of the King James Version. Most of the other changes were made in the interest of consistency or modernization. Further significant revisions only considering literal translations have been the 1952 Revised Standard Version, the 1960-2020 New American Standard Bible, the 2001 English Standard Version, and the 2022 Updated American Standard Version. We do not need the originals. We do not need those original documents. The Bible was miraculously restored, not miraculously preserved as some would like us to believe. Herein, we will clear up many misunderstandings and misconceptions about the English Bible translations.
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The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, C. 1530-1700
The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, C. 1530-1700
The Bible was, by any measure, the most important book in early modern England. It preoccupied the scholarship of the era, and suffused the idioms of literature and speech. Political ideas rode on its interpretation and deployed its terms. It was intricately related to the project of natural philosophy. And it was central to daily life at all levels of society from parliamentarian to preacher, from the 'boy that driveth the plough', famously invoked by Tyndale, to women across the social scale. It circulated in texts ranging from elaborate folios to cheap catechisms; it was mediated in numerous forms, as pictures, songs, and embroideries, and as proverbs, commonplaces, and quotations. Bringing together leading scholars from a range of fields, The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, 1530-1700 explores how the scriptures served as a generative motor for ideas, and a resource for creative and political thought, as well as for domestic and devotional life. Sections tackle the knotty issues of translation, the rich range of early modern biblical scholarship, Bible dissemination and circulation, the changing political uses of the Bible, literary appropriations and responses, and the reception of the text across a range of contexts and media. Where existing scholarship focuses, typically, on Tyndale and the King James Bible of 1611, The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in England, 1530-1700 goes further, tracing the vibrant and shifting landscape of biblical culture in the two centuries following the Reformation.
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The New Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 4, From 1750 to the Present
The New Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 4, From 1750 to the Present
This volume examines the Bible's role in the modern world - beginning with a treatment of its production and distribution that discusses publishers, printers, text critics, and translators and continuing with a presentation of new methods of studying the text that have emerged, including historical, literary, social-scientific, feminist, postcolonial, liberal, and fundamentalist readings. There is a full discussion of the changes in understandings of and approaches to the Bible in various faith communities. The dissemination of the Bible throughout the globe has also produced a host of new interpretations, and this volume provides a comprehensive geographical survey of its reception. In the final chapters, the authors offer a thematic overview of the Bible in relation to literature, art, film, science, and other disciplines. They demonstrate that, in spite of challenges to the Bible's authority in western Europe, it remains highly relevant and influential, not least in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
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This work is the first major commentary to focus on the text of LXX Ezekiel in any modern language. Rather than seeing LXX mainly as a text-critical resource with variants to be explained, this commentary, as part of the Septuagint Commentary Series, examines a specific manuscript in its own right as a document used by Greek readers unfamiliar with Hebrew. Included are transcription and English translation of Codex Vaticanus, the oldest extant manuscript of the whole book, and a detailed commentary that also compares the earlier P967 and the Masoretic Text where they differ. Another major new contribution is the utilisation of the sense-delimitation (paragraphs) of Codex Vaticanus itself, exploring how this influences reading of the text.
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The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah
The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah is without doubt one of the most important books in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, as evidenced by its pride of place in both Jewish and Christian traditions as well as in art and music. Most people, scholars and laity alike, are familiar with the words of Isaiah accompanied by the magnificent tones of Handel's 'Messiah'. Isaiah is also one of the most complex books due to its variety and plurality, and it has accordingly been the focus of scholarly debate for the last 2000 years. Divided into eight sections, The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah constitutes a collection of essays on one of the longest books in the Bible. They cover different aspects regarding the formation, interpretations, and reception of the book of Isaiah, and also offer up-to-date information in an attractive and easily accessible format. The result does not represent a unified standpoint; rather the individual contributions mirror the wide and varied spectrum of scholarly engagement with the book. The authors of the essays likewise represent a broad range of scholarly traditions from diverse continents and religious affiliations, accompanied by comprehensive recommendations for further reading.
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Studies in the Book of Ben Sira
Studies in the Book of Ben Sira
This volume contains the proceedings of the third international conference on the deuterocanonical literature organised by the Shime‘on Centre in Pápa, Hungary. Renowned international scholars of the field treat questions of text in the Book of Ben Sira, the underlying traditions and theological questions. In the first part, the authors deal with introductory problems of the complex oeuvre of Ben Sira; the second main part of the volume focuses primarily on the wisdom part of book; finally, the reader will find papers dealing with particular pericopae of the Praise of the Fathers section of Ben Sira.
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