Religion in the Twenty-first century and beyond: A Social sciences perspective
The term "Religion" refers to a wide range of social-cultural systems, which include beliefs, morals, ethics, religious practices, thought worlds, worldviews, holy texts and scriptures, sanctified holy places, and institutions that typically relate to the general belief in a God or a supernatural entity. Religion has been known in a wide variety of geographical contexts and situations, and attested since very early times; as a matter of fact, even before the dawn of human civilization. As a matter of fact, there have been very few known human societies without some form of an organized or an informal religion. In the past few centuries, technology has progressed at a rapid pace, and at a rate that would have been unimaginable just two centuries ago. Many pundits predicted that the role played by religion in society would invariably and inevitably diminish; alas, such prophecies have not come to pass. Religion, and the role played by it in society, remains as deeply entrenched as ever before. As a matter of fact, globalization has unleashed a clash of civilizations, and has brought different and widely differing ideologies into direct contact with each other, often unleashing waves of terror. In the wide array and assortment of papers that we have been publishing over the years, we have introduced many different concepts that we believe can greatly help in understanding the role religion plays in relation to society. Readers can easily reference these papers. In this paper, we attempt to take our endeavours to a much higher level, to analyse how the beneficial aspects of religion can be magnified and amplified, and the negative implications of religion curtailed. We also lay out the contours of social science research that can effectively tackle the menace of religious fanaticism and hatred, and draw out a road map and a course of action other researchers and scholars can easily relate to. This is far from an easy task, but sociologists and anthropologists have a major role to play here. Hence, this oeuvre. Other researchers and scholars must contribute in no small measure, and those belonging to different parts of the world, and hailing from different backgrounds and cultures. There are fundamental schisms in today’s scholarship, and interdisciplinary and cross-cultural enterprise is still sparse. The Author once had a Muslim friend (highly educated) who was more interested in Greek civilization than in Islam. The Author had another Muslim friend (less educated) who was a devout Muslim: He did not even know how old Islam was, and neither had he read the Qu’ran fully. Therefore, we must avoid stereotypes and accept the fact that we are living in a multicultural world and in a multispeed civilization. The clash of civilizations is also a fact, though it must be eventually mitigated. Halloween parties in Saudi Arabia, and anti-Mullah rhetoric in Iran may be reactionary belligerent displays of wrath; meaningful and permanent change must be brought about only through the realm of social sciences. Many eminent sociologists of yore studied different forms of religion studiously and diligently, even with some kind of an implicit or a feverish reverence or veneration, yet many other scholars today are of an atheistic disposition, tending to write of the utility of religion in the modern world. Why this disconnect? These are all issues we need to ruminate and ponder over, if we are to solve social problems, and build a meaningful and a deep-rooted edifice of research. We also need original thinkers, not legions of camp followers of the west, to use an aphorism by Sir CV Raman, who was the first Indian to bring home the Nobel prize in science. Intellectuals and thinkers must be aligned to social requirements, and must be sensitive to cultural factors. Otherwise, the words of Carl Jung will come into play, ”The deep critical thinker has become the misfit of the world, this is not a coincidence. To maintain order and control, you must isolate the intellectual, the sage, the philosopher, the savant before their ideas awaken people,” or as CS Lewis states, The greatest evils in the world are not carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.” Esoterism and nerdism appear to be the bane in various academic disciplines. As Daniel Dennett put it, many philosophers pursue isolated paths, and dedicate their intellect purely to age-old ideas without considering the advancements of modern science. Scholars also do not think through issues deeply and comprehensively enough. However, change must be brought about slowly, and in a graduated fashion. It must be brought about tactfully and diplomatically, without trampling on people’s sensitivities. As William Shakespeare put it, “Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall.” We also need “objectivity in mindset”, otherwise all attempts at scientific progress will fail. Even the best or the most advanced and uptodate software cannot date the Ramayana or the Mahabharata accurately if objectivity in mindset does not exist. Change can however be brought about. As Jose Andres once famously stated, "The modernity of yesterday is the tradition of today, and the modernity of today will be tradition tomorrow."