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Our Women in the War
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Paul Clermont's Story and My Own
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The Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates
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Frank Warrington. A tale. By the author of Rutledge, etc. Mrs. M. C. Harris
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The Crimson Pall
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A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery
A short well-written exposition of talipes, torticollis, upper and lower extremity deformities, rickets and spinal curvature from what it is now considered the "strap and buckle" point of view. -- H.W. Orr.
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The Land of the Dollar
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The Effects of Cooperative and Competitive Task Structures on Sixth-grade Students of Different Learning Predispositions and Ability Levels
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Les 2112 français morts aux États-Unis de 1777 à 1783 en combattant pour l'independance américaine
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Les Français morts pour l'indépendance américaine de septembre 1781 à août 1782 et la reconstruction historique de Williamsburg, base des armées de Rochambeau en Virginie
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