Strategic Human Resource Management
What is strategic HRM, and how do you apply it in business? What makes good HR strategy and how do you develop it? What are the key issues that need to be considered when creating, developing, and embedding a strategic approach to managing people? These are the fundamental questions asked by HR professionals and tackled in this innovative and comprehensive textbook. Drawing on the latest academic research, the well-respected author team take a reliably thematic approach to SHRM. Broken into four distinct parts, the book addresses the context, theories, themes, and future of managing people strategically. Case studies and examples include Tata Motors, Samsung, Pizza Express, and Deliveroo, ensuring that theoretical discussion is always linked to practical application. New "Strategic HRM in Action" boxes take this one step further by presenting students with a scenario in which they themselves can make strategic decisions and reflect on their own evaluation of real-life business practices. Critical thinking is essential in SHRM, so frequent "Critical Reflection" boxes, Review Questions, and questions accompany every case study ensure students are challenged to engage with the subject critically and reflectively. Global case studies and an opening chapter dedicated to the global context of SHRM challenge the dominant Western perspective and provide a rounded and adaptable view of SHRM. A user-friendly structure and wide range of learning features, including learning objectives, key concept boxes, and summaries, ensure the text remains accessible, even for those completely new to SHRM. ONLINE RESOURCES For Students: *Glossary *Web links For Instructors: *Additional case studies *PowerPoint slides *Seminar activities *Suggested case study answers *Figures from the book