WHAT KATY DID AT SCHOOL - More adventures of Katy Carr
When Katy Carr and her sister Clover leave for an East Coast boarding school, they do so with trepidation. They can’t but help worry about how their father will manage without their help? Like all teenagers they also worry about if they fit in, and if they don’t, what will become of them? Will they make new friends? When the Carr girls arrive, they meet the principal, Mrs Florence, who is tall, dignified and very strict: there are no less than thirty-two rules that students must adhere to! And with Miss Jane always on the prowl, snooping to discover the slightest fault, Katy fears that it might be more difficult to stay out of trouble than she’d hoped. But then Katy meets Rose Red – irrepressible, unconventional, and always full of fun. With the right friends, Katy can’t help but get into all sorts of scrapes. This the sequel to “What Katy Did”, and is book 2 in the “What Katy Did” series. 10% of the profit from the sale of this book is donated to charities. =========== KEYWORDS/TAGS: What Katy Did at School, boarding school, Katy Carr, Clover Carr, East Coast, conic, section, new year, new plan, on the way, travel, nunnery, roses, thorns, ssuc, injustice, changes, autumn vacation, budget, letters, Christmas boxes, waiting for spring, paradise regained, Rose red, fun and games, mischief, escapades, adventures, thirty-two, rules, Mrs Florence, tall, dignified, Miss Jane, prowl, strict, adherence, obey, discipline, fears, trouble, irrepressible, unconventional, scrapes, sequel, what katy did, book two, book 2, Dr Carr, Ohio, burnet, rural,