William S. Smith Papers
General description of the collection: The William S. Smith papers consist of family documents gathered by Smith including a pass to Richmond dated 18 December 1864 and return issued by Headquarters, 1st Army Corps; a parole statement dated 29 April 1865 signed by Private A.J. Smith as a prisoner of War near Macon, GA and the Loyalty Oath sworn by A.J. Smith dated 19 August 1865; a copy of a poster directed to the citizens of Macon, GA dated 30 July 1864; the service history of Colonel Allen Watsen Burnside, 3rd South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia; notes on Sergeant Stanford Smith, 31st Division during World War II; service history of First Sergeant Marion Burnside Cooper, 49th Infantry Regiment, A Company; transcription of a letter dated 24 April 1862 from William (no last name) to mother from a camp near Corinth, MS, telling of the battle and General Grant's refusal to allow general Beauregard's troops to retrieve and bury their dead; a transcription of a letter dated 2 February 1836 from E.E. Brown to his siblings in Macon, GA on the eve of the U.S. Army marching to Florida under General Scott's command to exterminate the Indians; and a copy of Elizabeth S. Wallace's article entitled "War Letters" in the 4 February 1980 issue of the Times Magazine which discusses the above letters.