Far Above Rubies
If you have ever wondered about the worth of a woman in Gods eyes, all doubt should be removed by the time you immerse yourself in the pages of Far Above Rubies. This books theme is like a balm to the souls of wounded women. Sandra writes this in a language that makes Gods Word accessible, yet keeps the message pure, unadulterated and uncompromised. Personally, I was very excited to review this work because of my knowledge of the authors life, which God has used to mold her into a humble servant who genuinely understands the hurts of women. Because of Sandra Smiths obvious desire to have this book go beyond purely intellectual knowledge of the Proverbs 31 woman and to reach the very soul, probing questions are listed at the end of each chapter to help women discover a more applied and deeply personal understanding of Gods Word for them. You are challenged to really review your beliefs, emotions, words and deeds as relates to the awesome possibilities God has laid out for you. If you are not ready to examine your walk within the context of the Proverbs 31 woman, then this is not the book for you. However, if you are ready to give serious attention to Gods vision for women and to hear the truth about what it requires, then this is one of the resources that would facilitate an applied study of this model woman. In addition to the benefits for believers, one of the most wonderful treasures in Far Above Rubies is that it speaks to such a variety of women-- single or married, young or old and saved or yet to be saved, to name a few. I can readily envision many women relating to the book and being blessed by its no nonsense, real message regarding the ways we should conduct ourselves in order to live more abundant, empowered lives. I encourage you to read Far Above Rubies with an open mind to the unlimited possibilities available to you through the Creator. For it is when you open your mind to Him that He will surely deposit something valuable in it. As this book points us to the Proverbs 31 woman, we are called to go beyond the spirit of average. The truth of the matter is that average is the same distance from the bottom as it is from the top, and God has so much more in store for us than being no closer to the top than we are to the bottom. Be encouraged to not get weary in your well-doing and continue to wait on Him to do just what He said. The Word tells us that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31, KJV). I believe that this book will give you an anointed message that will help you renew your strength, understand the weariless race and ultimately soar to the heights God wants you to reach. Dr. Xanthia Prophet-Harkness