Mites (Acari) for Pest Control
Mites (Acari) for Pest Control is an extremely comprehensivepublication, covering in depth the 34 acarine families that containmites useful for the control of pest mites and insects, nematodesand weeds. In addition to providing information on each relevantacarine family, the book includes essential information on theintroduction, culture and establishment of acarine biocontrolagents, the effects of the host plants, agrochemicals andenvironmental factors on mites used in biological control anddiscusses commercial and economic considerations in theiruse. Mites are now used in various ways for biological control, witha growing number of species being sold commercially throughout theworld. The authors of this landmark publication, who have betweenthem a huge wealth of experience working with mites in biologicalcontrol programs, have put together a book that will for many yearsbe the standard reference on the subject. The book will be of great value to all those working in cropprotection and biological control both in research as well as incommercial operations, including acarologists, entomologists,integrated pest management specialists, agricultural and plantscientists. Libraries in all universities and researchestablishments where these subjects are studied and taught shouldall have copies on their shelves. Uri Gerson is at the Department of Entomology, Faculty ofAgricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Hebrew University,Rehovot, Israel. Robert L. Smiley and Ronald Ochoaare at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, US Department ofAgriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, USA