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Atrocity and Amnesia
Atrocity and Amnesia
Working deliberately against the grain of assumptions dominant in the contemporary literary academy, Boyers examines novels by Günter Grass, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Milan Kundera and others, arguing that it is necessary to speak of character, ethics, and philosophic purpose if one is to understand these works. A penetrating study, Atrocity and Amnesia illuminates some of the major fiction of our time and makes an important contribution to contemporary political thought.
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Bankruptcy and Insolvency Taxation
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Taxation
The thousands of mergers, acquisitions, and start-ups that have characterized the past ten years of business have created an increasing number of corporations in financial trouble: specifically, a shortage of venture capital or quick cash. Consequently, bankruptcy protection is now viewed as a strategic move to protect corporations from their creditors and allow them to reorganize. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Taxation, Third Edition provides the answers to the questions financial managers will have on the tax aspects of the "bankruptcy strategy."
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A Catholic Reading Guide to Conditional Immortality
A Catholic Reading Guide to Conditional Immortality
Like many other people, the long tradition about hell has been a source of serious confusion and distress for me. Over the past six years or so I was relieved to discover two other alternatives that are also part of the Christian tradition, though less prominent--universalism and the subject of the present book, conditional immortality. Universalism--that everyone would eventually be saved--did not, in the final analysis, seem to really come to grips with the overwhelming scriptural testimony that some kind of radical fateful decision is possible to people. Conditional immortality--that people who absolutely refuse God's plan for them will be taken out of existence--seems to me the best scriptural understanding of what the Lord meant by "losing one's soul"--not everlasting punishment but the withdrawal of existence. This book is an attempt to explain this theological theory. It is not presented as a definite dogma or teaching of the church, but as one of the possible results of a persistent and irrevocable decision against God.
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Seed Quality
Seed Quality
Seed Quality: Basic Mechanisms and Agricultural Implications focuses on various aspects of seed quality and integrates research at basic and applied levels, supporting high-quality seeds as the basis of higher agricultural productivity. With its clear perspective and interdisciplinary focus on basic and applied aspects of seed quality, this book is immensely useful to students and teachers in many agricultural and botanical disciplines. Because seed quality is a critical component in the economic considerations of the farmer and the seedman alike, Basra looks in-depth at these aspects of seed production: seed viability seed health seed vigor seed testing variety identification crop yield seed storage seed production seed deterioration seed treatments Seed quality is of international agronomic concern, and the recent upsurge of interest in seed quality has accentuated a new awareness regarding its importance in crop production. This book meets the need for information and could form the basis of long-range planning by policymakers on quality assurance and management programs and in the facilitation of international trade. Researchers, students, and teachers in many agricultural and botanical disciplines--seed science and technology in particular--will find this book to be of immense use. It can be used as a handbook for those involved in seed industry and seed testing services. It is recommended for international courses in seed science and technology and seed training programs.
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Adolescent Relationships and Drug Use
Adolescent Relationships and Drug Use
Adolescent Relationships and Drug Use explores the communicative and relational features of adolescent drug use. It focuses on peer norms, risk, and protective factors and considers how drugs are offered to adolescents, examining such factors as who makes the offers and how they are resisted, where the offers take place, and what relationship exists between the persons making the offers and the persons receiving them. Unlike other studies of drug resistance, this work examines the communication processes that affect adolescents' ability to effectively resist drug offers. Michelle Miller and her colleagues study how personal qualities, communication skills, and relationships with others affect an individual's ability to resist offers of drugs. This volume provides a detailed analysis of drug resistance in the context of such factors as relationships, types of drugs, family and peer group relationships, personality, and situations. It places drug use and resistance in a living, relational context, and offers the first comprehensive communication and relational approach to drug resistance. The authors argue for the development of a relational and communication competence model of drug resistance, and suggest unique approaches for future drug prevention efforts. In describing the social and relational processes of drug resistance and then linking intervention techniques to the adolescents' relational world, this work makes a major contribution toward understanding drug use among adolescents. It informs relationship, communication, and psychology research, assists drug and health research by presenting new ways of considering the issue, and enlightens drug resistance practice by demonstrating a new approach to prevention. As such, it makes an effective and invaluable contribution to the ongoing efforts to reduce drug use among adolescents.
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The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resourcescovers the essential topics students need to understandenvironmental and resource problems and their possible solutions.Its unique lecture format provides an in-depth exploration ofdiscrete topics, ideal for upper-level undergraduate, graduate ordoctoral study. Each chapter depicts the key theoretical insights,major issues, and real-life problems that motivate the subject. Inaddition, the chapters feature practical applications and casestudies, a list of annotated further reading, and extensivereferences. Offers broad treatment of issues in Environmental and ResourceEconomics. Provides in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics withits unique lecture format. Depicts key theoretical insights, major issues, and real-lifeproblems for each subject. Features case studies, annotated further reading, extensivereferences, and a detailed glossary.
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Handbook of Intellectual Styles
Handbook of Intellectual Styles
[B]ecause of the thoroughness of the literature reviews and the comprehensive coverage of the chapter topics, [this book] should be required reading for any scholar working in related areas of personality or intelligence."--PsycCRITIQUES "This book is a masterly attempt to bring order and cohesion to a field that for many years has been riven with claims and counterclaims. The editors and authors are to be congratulated for addressing a very complex task so helpfully." John Biggs, PhD Honorary Professor of Psychology University of Hong Kong "If you are interested in intellectual stylesópeople's preferred ways of processing informationóthen this book belongs on your bookshelf." Richard E. Mayer, PhD Professor of Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara "For more than half a century, the construct of styleówhether designated as cognitive, thinking or learningóhas been in or out of fashion in the history of psychology and education. The editors of the present Handbook have invigorated the style construct in the form of intellectual styles, and have brought together a distinguished international panel of chapter authors who offer up-to-date surveys of the assessment, development, correlates, and educational and organizational applications of intellectual styles. For those seeking to familiarize themselves with current theory and research in an intellectually exciting field, the present Handbook is essential." Nathan Kogan, PhD Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology New School for Social Research, New York, NY The concept of intellectual styles has had a controversial history based on diverse philosophical and theoretical foundations. Most recently, the idea of intellectual stylesóan umbrella term that covers such closely related constructs as "cognitive styles," "learning styles," "teaching styles," and "thinking styles"óhas gained momentum as an explanation for why different people succeed in different professional and organizational settings. Previously, it was thought that high-achievers simply had more innate abilities than their less successful peers, but research has shown that individuals have different intellectual styles that are better suited for varying types of contexts and problems. Based on the most current and expansive research, this handbook is the first to provide a comprehensive review of research on the construct of intellectual style, from its foundations and development, to its relations to allied constructs, its roles in school and job performance, its applications in various populations, and its future.. This understanding of intellectual styles as a valid concept for both individuals and groups has far-reaching implications for researchers in cross-cultural psychology, multicultural education, organizational behavior and work performance, and many other academic disciplines, as well as practitioners in education and beyond. Key Features: Provides a comprehensive review of intellectual styles from multiple perspectives Written for students and scholars in diverse academic arenas, as well as practitioners in education and other fields Includes contributions from researchers from diverse disciplines, such as psychology, business, education, and health sciences
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Korean War Filmography
Korean War Filmography
The Korean experience changed the way Americans viewed war. The lack of a clear-cut victory inspired filmmakers to try to make sense of fighting another country's civil war and risking American lives for an unpopular cause. This filmography details more than 90 English-language films. Each entry includes complete cast and credit listings, a plot synopsis, evaluation, review snippets, and notice of video availability. This book places each film in its historical context, assesses the essential truthfulness of each film and evaluates its entertainment value, and discusses how--and why--Korean War films differ from other Hollywood war genres. Four appendices list the films by chronology; production company and studio; level of historical accuracy; and subject and theme. Additional appendices list films with incidental references to the Korean War; documentaries on the Korean War; and South Korean films about the war. Photographs, a bibliography, and an index are included.
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Bad Psychology
Bad Psychology
For decades the psychological assessment and treatment of offenders has run on invalid and untested programmes. Robert A. Forde exposes the current ineffectiveness of forensic psychology that has for too long been maintained by individual and commercial vested interests, resulting in dangerous prisoners being released on parole, and low risk prisoners being denied it, wasting enormous amounts of public money. Challenging entrenched ideas about the field of psychology as a whole, and how it should be practised in the criminal justice system, the author shows how effective changes can be made for more just decisions, and the better rehabilitation of offenders into society, while significantly reducing the cost to the taxpayer. This is a fearless account calling for a return to scientific evidence in the troubled field of forensic psychology.
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