American Government
Distinguished by its myth vs. reality framework, American Government encourages students to confront their preconceptions about American government and to think critically about the U.S. political system. Up-to-date coverage includes the media, public opinion, the Supreme Court, domestic and international policy, education and environmental policies, and economic and social welfare. The Eighth Edition features coverage of the 2006 mid-term elections and offers comprehensive resources for instructors and students. New! Eduspace/Blackboard/WebCT online course content includes graded homework, primary source documents, Associated Press Interactive animations, simulations, writing assignments and tutorials, discussion assignments, a threaded message board, and video clips of election ads. New! Asked & Answered boxes use an accessible question-and-answer format to take a closer look at political issues of interest to students. Each box begins with a practical but probing question on a current political issue, then follows up with a complete, yet succinct answer to the question. Topics include: Is the United States an empire? If George W. Bush wants to amend the Constitution to outlaw gay marriage, exactly what does he have to do? How do I know what my political ideology is? Just how involved are college-age students in the political process? New! Global Politics boxes examine political institutions, orientations, and organizations from an international perspective. Topics include: Comparing Constitutions; The Reach of U.S. Contractors; Gender Equality in Legislative Bodies; and Multiple Executives. Politics & Popular Culture boxes highlight the way different forms and transmitters of popular culture, such as movies, cartoons, and music, reflect and shape the function of government and politics. Topics include: Public Opinion, Participation, and Rock 'n Roll; Fake News; What Does a Wardrobe Malfunction Cost?; and Cartoons and Political Parties: "Stop Them Damned Pictures". Marginal Critical-Thinking feature guides students in their reading. New! Chapter-opening vignettes for 6 of the 15 chapters provide a real-world focus for the chapter. New topics are: the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the nation's sense of vulnerability; creating the Iraqi Constitution; K Street lobbyists and pork barrel spending; Dan Rather, George W. Bush, and media bias; the successes and failures of FEMA; and the impact of illegal immigration on foreign and defense policy. New! Polling data, tables, and figures have been updated throughout the text.