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Digital Humanities Pedagogy
Academic institutions are starting to recognize the growing public interest in digital humanities research, and there is an increasing demand from students for formal training in its methods. Despite the pressure on practitioners to develop innovative courses, scholarship in this area has tended to focus on research methods, theories and results rather than critical pedagogy and the actual practice of teaching. The essays in this collection offer a timely intervention in digital humanities scholarship, bringing together established and emerging scholars from a variety of humanities disciplines across the world. The first section offers views on the practical realities of teaching digital humanities at undergraduate and graduate levels, presenting case studies and snapshots of the authors' experiences alongside models for future courses and reflections on pedagogical successes and failures. The next section proposes strategies for teaching foundational digital humanities methods across a variety of scholarly disciplines, and the book concludes with wider debates about the place of digital humanities in the academy, from the field's cultural assumptions and social obligations to its political visions. Digital Humanities pedagogy broadens the ways in which both scholars and practitioners can think about this emerging discipline, ensuring its ongoing development, vitality and long-term sustainability.
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AO Principles of Fracture Management
AO Principles of Fracture Management
The standard reference book in operative fracture care. For over forty years, the principles regarding fracture management have been taught by AO, and these textbooks are a carefully edited version of the knowledge with contributing authors from around the world providing guidance relating to the principles of fracture management. Please note that the German edition of this title will publish end of 2007.
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Jack Hazlitt, A.M.
Jack Hazlitt, A.M.
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Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US
How academics, novelists, conspiracy theorists and former spies write about intelligence. This title uncovers intelligence historiography's important role in shaping popular understandings of intelligence. It offers insights into intelligence through an engagement with its past formulation and emerging patterns.
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Autorité et aliénation
Autorité et aliénation
"Traditionnellement, la philosophie a pensé la connaissance de soi sur le mode problématique d'un sujet faisant de lui-même son propre objet de connaissance. Constatant l'impasse où mène cette approche contemplative de la connaissance de soi, Richard Moran propose de la repenser à partir de la responsabilité de la personne vis-à-vis de ses propres attitudes et de l'autorité de l'agent sur ses propres actions. En abordant la connaissance de soi sous l'angle d'une psychologie morale, Autorité et aliénation la renouvelle en profondeur en mettant en évidence non seulement l'autorité de la première personne, mais aussi ses défaillances et ses limites. Faisant dialoguer la philosophie analytique et la philosophie continentale, de Wittgenstein à Sartre, Richard Moran montre que l'aliénation, comprise comme une forme d'étrangeté à soi (à ce qui, de nous, nous échappe), délimite, autant que l'autorité, les contours de la connaissance de soi."--Page 4 de la couverture
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Climate Change
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The Cobra Event
The Cobra Event
“One of those books you literally can’t put down . . . makes The Hot Zone virus—far away in a rainforest—look like no big deal.”—Detroit Free Press Five days ago, a homeless man on a subway platform died in agony as startled commuters looked on. Yesterday, a teenager started having violent, uncontrollable spasms in art class. Within minutes, she too was dead. Dr. Alice Austen is a medical pathologist at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. What she knows is that the two deaths are connected. What she fears is that they are only the beginning. . . . “Manages to grab you with the authenticity of its scientific detective work and haunt you with its sheer plausibility.”—Entertainment Weekly
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Culture, Technology, and the Creation of America's National Parks
Culture, Technology, and the Creation of America's National Parks
Richard Grusin's innovative study investigates how the establishment of national parks participated in the production of American national identity after the Civil War. The creation of America's national parks is usually seen as an uncomplicated act of environmental preservation. Grusin argues, instead, that parks must be understood as complex cultural technologies for the reproduction of nature as landscape art. He explores the origins of America's three major parks - Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Grand Canyon--in relation to other forms of landscape representation including photography, mapping, travel writing and fiction.
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