Book Reviews
Books reviewed in this article: Alison L. Booth (ed.) - The Economics of Labor Unions Wilhelm Eberwein, Jochen Tholen and Joachim Schuster - The Europeanisation of Industrial Relations: National and European Processes in Germany, UK, Italy and France Emer O'Hagan - Employee Relations in the Periphery of Europe: The Unfolding Story of the European Social Model Randy Hodson - Dignity at Work Michele Lamont - The Dignity of Working Men: Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class and Immigration Guy Van Gyes, Hans De Witte and Patrick Pasture (eds.) - Can Class Still Unite? The Differentiated Work Force, Class Solidarity and Trade Unions Fiona Colgan and Sue Ledwith (eds.) - Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions: International Perspectives Bob Hancke - Large Firms and Institutional Change: Industrial Renewal and Economic Restructuring in France Huw Beynon, Damian Grimshaw, Jill Rubery and Kevin Ward - Managing Employment Change: The New Realities of Work Michelle Brown and John S. Heywood (eds.) - Paying for Performance: An International Comparison Bob Hepple (ed.) - Social and Labour Rights in a Global Context: International and Comparative Perspectives Douglas Ezzy - Narrating Unemployment.