Policy Instruments for Achieving Environmentally Sustainable Transport
Conventional approaches to mitigating transport's environmental impacts have used observed and projected transport trends and sought to assess the environmental impacts of these trends. Whilst this approach is acknowledged as useful, it is not perceived as capable of leading to meeting long-term environmental objectives. Accordingly the project on Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) was initiated in late 1994. The EST is a backcasting exercise. One or more desirable futures are defined and policy development is guided by an assessment of what is required to achieve them. The project comprised four phases: Phase 1 involved a review of relevant activities of member countries and defining the development of the project; Phase 2 focused on the gap between current and projected trends; Phase 3 has been the backcasting exercise; Phase 4, which has overlapped with Phase 3, refined the criteria for achieving ESTG and development policy guidelines. This report represents the results of Phase 3 of the project.