Los otros libros
In this testimony, Raúl Renán refers to printed works that in Mexico adopted innovative presentations and aesthetic contents full of freedom. The author tells how many writers made books in ways different from the traditional, using newspaper fragments and reprints in color, with corn leaves and printed sheets with parts of the human body. "Los otros libros. Distintas opciones en el trabajo editorial" (The other books. Different options in the editorial work) is a revision of the books that emerged from the independent publishing movement of the late 1970's and produced by marginal publishers. From these publishers, La Máquina Eléctrica was born as the manifesto of a group of artists and with the slogan of being a voice of poets for poets. The [book] also tries to be a testimony, to be an example of an editorial alternative for writers that will allow them to put their genius and sensitivity to the service of education and culture" (HKB Translation) --Verso cover.