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Simplicity in Vision
Simplicity in Vision
Perceptual organization is the neuro-cognitive process that enables us to perceive scenes as structured wholes consisting of objects arranged in space. Simplicity in Vision explores the intriguing idea that these perceived wholes are given by the simplest organizations of the scenes. Peter A. van der Helm presents a truly multidisciplinary approach to answer fundamental questions such as: Are simplest organizations sufficiently reliable to guide our actions? What is the nature of the regularities that are exploited to arrive at simplest organizations? To account for the high combinatorial capacity and speed of the perceptual organization process, he proposes transparallel processing by hyperstrings. This special form of distributed processing not only gives classical computers the extraordinary computing power that seemed reserved for quantum computers, but also explains how neuronal synchronization relates to flexible self-organizing cognitive architecture in between the relatively rigid level of neurons and the still elusive level of consciousness.
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Coping With Catastrophe
Coping With Catastrophe
Coping with Catastrophe is a practical handbook for people who provide psychosocial aftercare for victims of disasters. This completely revised and updated second edition includes the latest findings on the nature and effects of trauma, the psychological debriefing process and the effects of emergency work, and the latest treatment models for post-traumatic stress and abnormal grief. Eminently practical and easy to read, Coping with Catastrophe provides readers with information and skills to respond effectively and confidently to the needs of disaster survivors. It will be of immense value to a wide variety of helping professionals and carers, including social workers, psychologists, doctors, voluntary counsellors, and all those whose work brings them into contact with disaster victims.
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Africa's Shadow Rise
Africa's Shadow Rise
For years economists have spoken of ‘Africa rising’, and despite the global financial crisis, Africa continues to host some of the fastest growing economies in the world. Africa’s Shadow Rise however argues that the continent’s apparent economic ‘rise’ is essentially a mirage, driven by developments elsewhere - most particularly the expansion in China's economy. While many African countries have experienced high rates of growth, much of this growth may prove to be unsustainable, and has contributed to environmental destruction and worsening inequality across the continent. Similarly, new economic relationships have produced new forms of dependency, as African nations increasingly find themselves tied to the fortunes of China and other emerging powers. Drawing on in-depth fieldwork in southern Africa, Africa’s Shadow Rise reveals how the shifting balance of global power is transforming Africa’s economy and politics, and what this means for the future of development efforts in the region.
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Biomedical Applications of Microprobe Analysis
Biomedical Applications of Microprobe Analysis
Biomedical Applications of Microprobe Analysis is a combination reference/laboratory manual for the use of microprobe analysis in both clinical diagnostic and research settings. Also called microchemical microscopy, microprobe analysis uses high-energy bombardment of cells and tissue, in combination with high resolution EM or confocal microscopy to provide a profile of the ion, metal, and mineral concentrations present in a sample. This allows insight into the physiology and pathophysiology of a wide variety of cells and tissues.This book describes methods for obtaining detailed information about the identity and composition of particles too small to be seen with the naked eye and describes how this information can be useful in diagnostic and biomedical research. - Up-to-date review of electron microprobe analysis - Detailed descriptions of sample preparation techniques - Recent technologies including confocal microscopy, infrared microspectroscopy, and laser raman spectroscopy - Over 100 illustrations with numerous specific applications - Contributions by world-renowned experts in the field - Brief summary of highlights precedes each chapter
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Toxicants Of Plant Origin
Toxicants Of Plant Origin
This comprehensive treatise offers an in-depth discussion of natural toxicants in plants, emphasizing their effects as defenses against herbivory. Coevolution of plants and her-bivores are covered with a detailed treatment of toxicant metabolism and systemic effects in mammalian tissues. Con-sideration of the economic importance of plant toxins, modi-fication by plant breeding, management of toxico-sis, and toxicant problems in various geographic areas are in-cluded. Each volume offers an extensive description of chemistry, biosynthesis, analysis, distribution in plants, metabolism in mam-mals and insects, and practical problems in humans and livestock.
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Plant Genome Analysis
Plant Genome Analysis
Plant Genome Analysis presents outstanding analyses of technologies, as well as explanations of molecular technology as it pertains to agriculture. Advances in genome analysis, including DNA amplification (DAF and RAPD) markers, RFLPs, and microsatellites are reviewed by accomplished scientists, many of whom are the developers of the technique. Articles by patent lawyers experienced in plant biotechnology present the legal viewpoint. Chapters focus on special elements of genome analysis, such as the: use of antisense technology investigation of telomeres production of plant YACs importance of cell cycle genes in plants. Other chapters focus on specialized topics of genome analysis. These include a description of antisense technology in the study of photosynthesis and a comprehensive review of the characterization and isolation of plant telomere, including their use in varietal discrimination. A detailed anaysis of cytoplasmic male sterility in the french bean that focuses on the mitochondrial genome is described. The book provides a chapter on the production of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) carrying soybean DNA. Genes of the cell cycle in plants and their importance in developmental processes are presented, as well as detailed chapters on the molecular mapping of trees (apples and pines), and nodulation-related genes in legumes. A comprehensive index and a complete glossary are included.
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Environmental Flow Assessment
Environmental Flow Assessment
Provides critiques of current practices for environmental flow assessment and shows how they can be improved, using case studies. In Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications, four leading experts critique methods used to manage flows in regulated streams and rivers to balance environmental (instream) and out-of-stream uses of water. Intended for managers as well as practitioners, the book dissects the shortcomings of commonly used approaches, and offers practical advice for selecting and implementing better ones. The authors argue that methods for environmental flow assessment (EFA) can be defensible as well as practicable only if they squarely address uncertainty, and provide guidance for doing so. Introductory chapters describe the scientific and social reasons that EFA is hard, and provide a brief history. Because management of regulated streams starts with understanding freshwater ecosystems, Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications includes chapters on flow and organisms in streams. The following chapters assess standard and emerging methods, how they should be tested, and how they should (or should not) be applied. The book concludes with practical recommendations for implementing environmental flow assessment. Describes historical and recent trends in environmental flow assessment Directly addresses practical difficulties with applying a scientifically informed approach in contentious circumstances Serves as an effective introduction to the relevant literature, with many references to articles in related scientific fields Pays close attention to statistical issues such as sampling, estimation of statistical uncertainty, and model selection Includes recommendations for methods and approaches Examines how methods have been tested in the past and shows how they should be tested today and in the future Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications is an excellent book for biologists and specialists in allied fields such as engineering, ecology, fluvial geomorphology, environmental planning, landscape architecture, along with river managers and decision makers.
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Primary Bone Tumors and Tumorous Conditions in Children
Primary Bone Tumors and Tumorous Conditions in Children
We welcome the publication of this volume, which discusses the diagnosis of bone tumours with particular reference to children and adolescents. As founder members of the International Skeletal Society we are delighted to learn that the book had its inception at one of the Society's meetings. It reflects, moreover, the combined presentation of radiological and pathological diagnostic information which has been such a feature of the meetings of the International Skeletal Society. We commend it to all readers with an interest in tumours of the skeleton. Hubert A. Sissons Ronald O. Murray Preface The diagnosis of primary bone tumors is often difficult. There are several reasons for this. As primary bone tumors are rare in childhood, practitioners in a number of pediatric subspecialties are not familiar with them. The clinical symptoms and signs are often elusive, the biochemical investigations usually normal and the radio graphic features often uncharacteristic. Even the pathologist, who is the final step in arriving at the proper diagnosis and who has all the available clinical, biochemical and radiographic data, may encounter difficulties. A good tissue sample is the basis for microscopic investigation. However, bone tumors often show an extreme variety of structures which confuse even experienced bone pathologists. Therefore, histo pathologic analysis must take into account all available clinical, biochemical and radiographic data. The close cooperation of the pathologist with clinicians and, especially, radiologists is of the utmost importance.
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Am I Alone Here?
Am I Alone Here?
This National Book Critics Circle Award is “an entrancing attempt to catch what falls between: the irreducibly personal, messy, even embarrassing ways reading and living bleed into each other, which neither literary criticism nor autobiography ever quite acknowledges" (The New York Times). “Stories, both my own and those I’ve taken to heart, make up whoever it is that I’ve become,” Peter Orner writes in this collection of essays about reading, writing, and living. Orner reads and writes everywhere he finds himself: a hospital cafeteria, a coffee shop in Albania, or a crowded bus in Haiti. The result is a book of unlearned meditations that stumbles into memoir. Among the many writers Orner addresses are Isaac Babel and Zora Neale Hurston, both of whom told their truths and were silenced; Franz Kafka, who professed loneliness but craved connection; Robert Walser, who spent the last twenty-three years of his life in a Swiss insane asylum, working at being crazy; and Juan Rulfo, who practiced the difficult art of silence. Virginia Woolf, Eudora Welty, Yasunari Kawabata, Saul Bellow, Mavis Gallant, John Edgar Wideman, William Trevor, and Václav Havel make appearances, as well as the poet Herbert Morris--about whom almost nothing is known. An elegy for an eccentric late father, and the end of a marriage, Am I Alone Here? is also a celebration of the possibility of renewal. At once personal and panoramic, this book will inspire readers to return to the essential stories of their own lives.
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