Primary Care of the Child with a Chronic Condition
PRIMARY CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A CHRONIC CONDITION provides pediatric health care professionals with the knowledge necessary to give comprehensive primary care to children with special needs and their families. Part I addresses the major issues common to care of all children with chronic conditions: the role of the primary care provider, the impact of a chronic condition on the childs development; the impact on the family; school issues; ethical and cultural concerns; and the financial resources needed to support the care of a child with a chronic condition. Part II identifies specific chronic conditions and the alterations in standard primary care practices needed to promote optimum health. expert contributors to provide the most accurate and current information available. Includes boxes on Clinical Manifestations, Diagnostic Criteria, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment to highlight these important features and make it easy for the reader to access this information in the Chronic Conditions chapters. Provides comprehensive summary boxes at the end of the chronic condition chapter. Presents all conditions in a consistent format, using the following organizion: Etiology Incidence Clinical Manifestations Treatment Associated Problems Prognosis Primary Care Management: Health Care Maintenance and Common Illness Management Developmental Issues Family Concerns and Resources Provides the latest treatment information available with thoroughly revised andupdated content. Includes thorough revisions to Chapter 7, Financing Health Care for Children With Chronic Conditions, to reflect the many changes in the health care industry, including managed care. Features a new chapter on Transition into Adulthood, Chapter 8, to address this important phase of adolescent development. The chapter addresses the difficulties encountered by children with chronic conditions and coverstransition in health care, transition to independent living, transition to secondary education or vocation, laws regarding transition planning, and the role of primary care providers. Includes a new chapter on Autism, Chapter 10, to focus on the large number of children being diagnosed with autism, and includes information on mainstreaming children with autism, and how this practise is increasing. Provides pertinent web site addresses in the resource lists at the end of each chapter for additional sources of information.