New Large Print Word Seach for the Whole Family!
Word Seach puzzles are a great way to exercise the brain, boost memory, improve spelling- and problem-solving skills, increase vocabulary and have fun! The world we live in moves fast and we all spend a lot of time on social media, too much time. Word Searches are a great way to unplug, relax and learn offline. And another great benefit of solving puzzles is the positive impact they have on your mood. Yep, it's true... the reward centers of your brain love it when you successfully complete a game. Treat yourself to a new puzzle book or surprise someone you care about :) Features: 8.5" x 11" 300 puzzles - one puzzle per page Paperback Matte finish Printed on quality paper Family-friendly Non-commercial cover design so you don't have to look at the usual glaring colors and text Check out Miss Magraffs Corner Bookshop for more designs and books. And last but not least.... Have a great day!