Activating God's Power in Julia
Michelle Leslie was raised in rural Oregon. She is a pillar of activation within the Body of Christ with a heart to hear God's word and see it lived out as her calling and destiny. Along with her gift for challenging people to be all they were created to be in their life, she is a fun-loving, hard-working, creative friend, daughter, mom, and wife. As a child, Michelle was dyslexic. Because of her trouble learning to read, she struggled through every subject in school and was doomed to special education classes (which she perceived as "social suicide"). When Michelle came to know the Lord in her early twenties she was desperate for God's word. As she dove into the word of God, her life changed dramatically. Romans 12:2 was in full effect, and Michelle was transformed by the renewing of her mind. The effects of the learning disability that had held Michelle back her whole life were slowly diminishing. Michelle was finally reading and retaining information, growing in confidence, and developing a voice for the message God had given her to share. God's power was being made perfect in her weakness, and through this platform God demonstrated his love and transforming power to those around her. Michelle has a deep desire for others to experience the transformation and freedom that can only be found in Christ, and she is sharing it with all who will listen through this extraordinary upcoming book, Activating God's Power. Michelle is writing in the hope of meeting the needs of readers in desperation, or those who are seeking spiritual growth in themselves or in their loved ones. Michelle lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two daughters.