The Fountain of Youth Journal
The Fountain of Youth! It has been vigorously sought for centuries, but to no avail. Why has no one ever found it? It is because they have been searching in the wrong place! The Fountain of Youth is not some elixir, or pill to take, or an operation. It is not "out there" somewhere. The Secret is within each human being. I have always considered the aging process to be a disease. It is not normal. It is the birthright of each human being on earth to live 900 years without showing any sign of aging. Methuselah lived for 969 years, and yes those years are the same as ours, but he had an advantage. He was not as tempted as the twenty first century human to implement the cause of the aging process. There only ONE CAUSE of all disease, all injuries, all unhappiness, and the aging process. In this book I will reveal that cause, and I will also reveal the ONE WAY to refrain from implementing the cause of all those destructive things. That WAY is very simple, elegant and beautiful. Is the proof is in the pudding? I have not missed a day of work because of illness since 1982. I do not get sick. I do not have "accidents." I AM happy all the time, and I AM now slowing down my own aging, and I AM now in the process of beginning to reverse it. I AM Michael Byron Taylor, M.D., graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and graduate and teacher of "A Course in Miracles." With Love and Light, Peace and Patience, I AM Michael.