Federal Courts
Federal Courts: Context, Cases, and Problems, Third Edition by Michael Finch, Caprice L. Roberts and Michael P. Allen is an innovative, highly accessible casebook that features problems, cases connected by narrative text, charts, and graphs, all presented in a manner suited to multiple teaching approaches. New to the Third Edition: Updates to each chapter with key cases, text additions, and doctrinal developments, e.g. Markazi, Patchak, diversity jurisdiction via removal, and Ziglar v. Abbasi. New incorporation of thoughtful revisions to streamline comprehension and eliminates unnecessary explorations based on adopter feedback while maintaining all seminal cases. Updated charts, graphs, and problems based on new data, statistics, and cases such as Facebook, Spokeo, Sprint v. Jacobs, and McDonough v. Smith. Sharpened case excerpts to enhance reading assignments and deepen discussions. Professors and students will benefit from: Application opportunities with the included Reference Problems, questions, and additional problems. Clarity of textual material that includes doctrinal highlights, decision trees, diagrams, charts, and other dynamic visual aids. Crisp, insightful case excerpts with helpful connecting explanatory text. Teaching materials include: Teacher’s Manual Sample syllabi