The Effective Teacher's Guide to Dyslexia and Other Specific Learning Difficulties
Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia affect at least one in ten children, causing poor performance in school and often leading to emotional problems and low self-esteem. These children need a high level of understanding, encouragement and support from their teacher in order to achieve their full potential in an inclusive environment. The Effective Teachers' Guide to Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficultiesoffers the ordinary classroom teacher practical advice, information and enlightenment that will help them to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and equip them with a range of strategies with which to tackle everyday classroom situations. This book expertly guides the reader through: The legal and policy context An explanation of terms and definitions Interventions and rationale Approaches related to different curriculum subjects Provision for dyscalulia and acalculia Taking account ofrecent policy changes, and with an emphasis on what works in the classroom, this book will prove a practical, readable and invaluable resource for the busy practitioner.