The Journeys of Mary
In her lifetime, Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, took many journeys. Between her first journey to Jerusalem for her Presentation when she was four years old, and her last journey to Jerusalem a year and a half before her death, Mary traveled throughout the Holy Land and into Egypt. Following in the footsteps of her son, she witnessed his ministry as he taught and healed. When he was condemned to death, she followed him to the foot of the cross. In The Journeys of Mary Part III, the story that is told in Part I and continued in Part II are brought to conclusion. In The Journeys of Mary Part I, St. John, in order to protect Mary from persecution, leaves with Leah, her maidservant, and Mary for Ephesus. On that journey, Mary recalls her early life which included trips to Jutta, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt, and finally Nazareth. In Part II, Mary is living in Ephesus. Mary Magdalene comes for a visit and helps Mary to create a Way of the Cross. Along with St. John, the women journey back in time and recall the agonizing passion her son suffered for the salvation of all. In Part III, Mary returns to Jerusalem with John to join the gathering of the Apostles to discuss the problems facing the Christian communities as the message of Jesus spreads throughout the known world. As she journeys to Jerusalem, Mary remembers the events that occurred during the three years of the ministry of Jesus. In Jerusalem, as she walks the Via Dolorosa, she relives his death on the cross and his Resurrection. After a final trip to Jerusalem with St. John shortly before her death, Mary returns to Ephesus. With her Assumption of body and soul into Heaven, Marys earthly journeys end. The Journeys of Mary is the story of both the interior journey Mary takes as the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, and the exterior journeys she takes as she lives out a life fulfilling the will of God.