Managing Customer Relationships
In today’s competitive marketplace, customer relationshipmanagement is critical to a company’s profitability andlong-term success. To become more customer focused, skilledmanagers, IT professionals and marketing executives must understandhow to build profitable relationships with each customer and tomake managerial decisions every day designed to increase the valueof a company by making managerial decisions that will grow thevalue of the customer base. The goal is to build long-termrelationships with customers and generate increased customerloyalty and higher margins. In Managing Customer Relationships, DonPeppers and Martha Rogers, credited with founding thecustomer-relationship revolution in 1993 when they invented theterm "one-to-one marketing," provide the definitive overview ofwhat it takes to keep customers coming back for years to come. Presenting a comprehensive framework for customer relationshipmanagement, Managing Customer Relationships provides CEOs, CFOs,CIOs, CMOs, privacy officers , human resources managers, marketingexecutives, sales teams, distribution managers, professors, andstudents with a logical overview of the background, themethodology, and the particulars of managing customer relationshipsfor competitive advantage. Here, renowned customer relationshipmanagement pioneers Peppers and Rogers incorporate many of theprinciples of individualized customer relationships that they arebest known for, including a complete overview of the background andhistory of the subject, relationship theory, IDIC(Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) methodology, metrics,data management, customer management, company organization, channelissues, and the store of the future. One of the first books designed to develop an understanding ofthe pedagogy of managing customer relationships, with an emphasison customer strategies and building customer value, ManagingCustomer Relationships features: Pioneering theories and principles of individualized customerrelationships An overview of relationship theory Contributions from such revolutionary leaders as Philip Kotler,Esther Dyson, Geoffrey Moore, and Seth Godin Guidelines for identifying customers and differentiating them byvalue and need Tips for using the tools of interactivity and customization tobuild learning relationships Coverage of the importance of privacy and customer feedback Advice for measuring the success of customer-basedinitiatives The future and evolution of retailing An appendix that examines the qualities needed in a firm’scustomer relationship leaders, and that provides fundamental toolsfor embarking on a career in managing customer relationships orhelping a company use customer value as the basis for executivedecisions The techniques in Managing Customer Relationships can help anycompany sharpen its competitive advantage.