Thin Air
DIVDIVSet on a farm on Ireland’s West Coast, this gripping novel by Kate Thompson revolves around a missing teenager—and the shattering effect of her disappearance upon her family and friends/divDIV Nineteen-year-old Martina Keane has vanished, seemingly into thin air./divDIV /divDIVShe rode off one morning, and her horse, Specks, came home without her. Martina’s father, Gerard, soon falls under suspicion, and her mother, Brigid, finds she must reevaluate her narrow, materialist existence. With their world turned upside down and their parents emotionally absent, Martina’s teenaged brother, Joseph, and their younger sister, Aine, are left to deal with the disaster in their own, very different ways./divDIV /divDIVSet on the borderlines of the modern and the traditional, the material and the mythical, Thin Air is the story of a family coming apart at the seams . . . and coming together again. /div/div