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Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology
Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology is one of the most chosen professional job prospects for professionals studying Psychology career, in which they focus their psychological attention on people showing or not psychopathologies. Equally, clinical psychology is well known for the general audience about psychologist's labor, area which is every day wider because of the great benefits of counting on professionals specialized in knowing the way people feel, think and behave.
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Alexithymia, A World Without Emotions
Alexithymia, A World Without Emotions
Learn how to overcome the problem of not understanding your own emotions and those of others. How do you say, "I love" and not die trying? Surely, you know someone, or maybe this happens to you, that sometimes you have difficulty expressing your emotions, especially when it comes to declaring your love to someone by saying, "I love you." But, there’s also people who don’t actually know what they feel for other people and what’s most troubling, they’re unable to understand the feelings that others have towards them. This is what’s called alexithymia, and it’s more widely spread than we think, it’s estimated to affect one in every ten people worldwide. Discover all the keys in this book. What is it? Who does it affect? Can it be treated? Can alexithymia be prevented? "Boys don’t cry" has been a tagline for little ones, for a long time, causing them not to know how to express their emotions in a healthy manner. Which has led to a society with "emotional illiteracy," words of Daniel Goleman, the father of Emotional Intelligence. Discover how the government of Canary Islands corrects these errors, educating the little ones to understand and appropriately express their own emotions while learning to understand and accept the emotions of others. Did you know that having high levels of alexithymia is associated with problems related to the psychology field? If you thought that suffering alexithymia didn’t have bigger consequences than losing someone you love romantically for not declaring your love them, you have to know that not knowing how to express your emotions, whether they’re positive or negative, is associated with addictions, eating disorders, or psychopathic personality disorders. Learn what this relationship is and how you can try to overcome it.
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As Diferenças entre Homem-Mulher
As Diferenças entre Homem-Mulher
Para falar de diferenças homem-mulher é preciso começar pela genética, pois sobre esta base que se sustentam as diferenças posteriores. O ser humano contém 23 pares de cromossomos (unidades onde se empacotam o DNA e o RNA). O RNA porta a informação genética relativa ao sexo, por isso se denomina cromossomo sexual. Existem dois tipos desses cromossomos, o X e o Y. A mulher sempre terá o X no óvulo, enquanto o homem pode ter X ou Y nos espermatozoides.
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Psychosomatic Disorders II
Psychosomatic Disorders II
Psychosomatic pathologies lead many patients to wander from a medical office to another without finding a clear diagnosis of their condition, and above all without receiving the appropriate treatment, or discovering how to identify it and what is the best treatment for each case. Psychosomatic disorders have a complex clinical picture, are difficult to diagnose and require a global intervention in order to be treated. This text describes these types of disorders, how they affect one's health, what their causes are, and what types of therapeutic interventions can cure them.
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Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction
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My Verses About Cats
My Verses About Cats
One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked.One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked. ―Delicious― the giraffe told the mosquito. ―But what does it taste like?― He asked and he seemed to be curious. She thinks about it a little bit and then she replied ― It tastes like grass― and then she shut up. LOVE
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Psychosomatic Theory
Psychosomatic Theory
Preface Emotions are a source of life and pleasure, but when they acquire certain negative nuances and become chronic, they can contribute to the appearance of psychosomatic disorders. These disorders are more frequent than one might imagine, especially because there is a great lack of understanding in the individual's overall health, how to preserve it and how to take care of it. This text is presented as a first approach to the subject of psychosomatic disorders from a theoretical perspective. Objective: The aim of this book is to serve as a first approach to psychosomatic medicine, focusing on the explanatory theories of its origin and its "function". A text to bring the reader closer to one of the most important challenges that medicine has taken on halfway through psychology, the psychosomatic disorders. Target audience: - Health practitioners who want to delve deeper into the effects of emotions on health - People suffering from psychosomatic disorders and to their families, so that they can learn in depth about this new perspective of the disorder - Anyone interested in learning how emotions can affect health and how to approach treatment from a holistic point of view Topic - Psychosomatic Approach and Psychosomatic Disorders This section covers the origin of the explanatory theories on the psychosomatic approach, and what type of disorders are included from this perspective. - The Psychosomatic Personality In this section is analyzed the origin of personality, its formation over time and the health problems of an "inadequate" personality. - Approach to Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) Considered as the last great contribution of health science, this approach poses a model for overcoming the limitations of medicine and psychology, which only provide a limited view of psychosomatic disorders.
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