Santos populares
Santos populares como el niño Fidencio, Jesús Malverde, el temible San Nazario o incluso Emiliano Zapata renacen en medio de una crisis nacional, donde miles de desamparados buscan en ellos un refugio y esperanza. Cuando un viento interminable de crisis debilita los pilares institucionales, la fe parece ser el mejor o el único punto de apoyo para muchas personas. Esto es lo que ha ocurrido desde finales del siglo pasado en casi todo México, donde ha surgido una buena cantidad de santos populares en los cuales miles de personas han depositado su esperanza de encontrar un manto protector. En esta investigación, José Gil Olmos --autor de Los brujos del poder-- se da a la tarea de rastrear a esas peculiares figuras religiosas para presentar una visión de conjunto de un complejo fenómeno social. Prólogo de Javier Sicilia English Description Popular saints of current times like the kid Fidencio, Jesus Malverde, and the terrible Saint Nazario, or even Emiliano Zapata are reborn in the mists of a national crisis where, thousands of people who feel lost, find a sense of refuge and hope in these saints. .When a never-ending wave of crisis weakens the institutional pillars, people's faiths seem to be the best, or the only, sense of strength and support for many people. This is what has happened in Mexico in the last part of the last century, there has been a wave of new popular saints arising on whom thousands of people have been placing their hopes for protection. In this investigative work, José Gil Olmos takes to the task of find these popular new saints and present them as part of a social phenomenon. - Author of the much successful book Los brujos del poder / The Wizards of Power. - A series of well-researched journalistic work about a surprising phenom: the rise of new popular saints. .- Named one of the best Latin-American journalists by Stanford University.