A Strong Church, a Secure City, and a Sound Community
The story of the Jews' return from captivity to rebuild the Holy City as recorded for us in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah is a dramatic account of how God worked sovereignly through not only His people but also idol-worshiping Gentiles to accomplish His plan. God's master plan stretches from eternity past to eternity future and includes all His creation. He has seen fit to reveal portions of it to us in His word, not the least of which is a "blueprint for society". That blueprint is described repeatedly in Scripture and is just as relevant for the 21st century as it was for Ezra and Nehemiah. The Christian community seems to have lost sight of two principles that are vital to an accurate Biblical world view. First, God is sovereign. Second, we as children of God are responsible. God does not buy the victim mentality the culture of today subscribes to. Neither has He sent us a fax or e-mail saying that it is acceptable to disengage ourselves from an active role in society and wait for the Second Coming. Rather, He holds each of us accountable to His standards and expects us to be totally involved in working out our part of His master plan. A Strong Church, A Secure City, and A Sound Community walks through the two Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah, showing how these two principles were at work in peoples' lives 2500 years ago. Those insights honestly applied will help to equip the reader to be a responsible citizen fulfilling their God-given role in His blueprint for our society. This study is from episodes of White Rock Junction, the daily radio broadcast of the White Rock Free Baptist Church in Gorham, Maine.