The Crustacean Integument
The Crustacean Integument summarizes the current state of the knowledge regarding the structure, organization, and function of the crustacean integument. Methods for analysis are covered and include discussions on techniques such as immunocytochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, SDS-PAGE, Western blot analysis, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The book considers embryologic and physiologic features of the crustacean integument, including cellular proliferation during larval development and calcification. Structural components are examined, including the structure and synthesis of crustacean chitin and cuticular proteins and their homologies within arthropods. Specialized features of the integument such as pore canals and tegumental glands and the morphology of the pre-, post-, and intermolt cuticle are covered. Micrographs and diagrams help illustrate key concepts in the text. The Crustacean Integument will benefit crustacean biologists working in cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, systematics, development, and toxicology.