Oil Crisis
"Colin Campbell is renowned for his lucid earlier work, 'The coming oil crisis'. Eight years on, events have proved his analysis right. Now, he argues that the oil crisis has come. The familiar technical explanation of the crisis is carefully made again : essentially, that there is no more oil to be found. That fact is beginning to manifest itself in heightened competition for the remaining resource ; which is why America invaded Iraq ; why Central Asia is in turmoil ; why oil is persistently priced above $50/barrel (and why Goldman Sachs think $100 a barrel is not too unlikely in the near future). The problem - of an oil-less world - is beyond the grasp of politicians. They can fiddle with ideas about renewables or hydrogen but they, along with most of humanity, have not really grasped that it is the oil economy that enables about a 7 billion world population to be sustained. A wholly new world is imminent. It is not likely to be very pleasant. Dr Campbell outlines our grim future." -- book cover.