Spirits, Saints, and Sinners in the Er
I re-edited this version sorry for the past errors I have never believed in ghosts, until I worked in the EREmergencies are:Shortness of breath, stabbing, getting shot, car crash, heart attack(not gas), falls of greater than 5 feet, fetal emergencies, imminent birth, stroke or stroke signs, an arrow sticking out of any part of your body, a knife sticking out of any part of your body, uncontrollable bleeding(from anywhere), poisoning accidental or intentional, electrocution, being mauled by a dog(a large dog), being hit by a car, attempted suicide, losing an appendage(that means body part), breaking any bone in your body except a toe, drowning, hanging, child abuse, snake bites(don't bring the live snake in please), a power tool accident, burns(not sunburns idiots), sudden blindness, periods that have lasted longer than 2 weeks(don't ask), falling on a table saw(yes that happened they didn't make it), passing out, seizures, any real emergency. I could name a few dozen more, but that would take too long. The following are a few things that are not emergencies.Having a cold, being a ghost, a runny nose, a fever when you're already sick, tooth ache, paper cuts, drug seekers, a headache, being drunk or hung over, sunburns, feeling sick, stubbing your toe, a cough, diaper rash, hiccups(yes hiccups), pregnancy tests, having a condom stuck in your vagina, sore back, sore arms, being sore anywhere, insomnia, bad breath(yes foul breath its happened), rash, skinned knee, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, gas pains, having the flu, being clumsy, trying to get the morning after pill because you're too easy, your pee is to dark, you're peeing too much, your pee stinks, essentially unless you're pissing fire, or blood, peeing is not an emergency, sleeping too much, being sleepy, depression unless you're suicidal, ear wax, a child swallowing a penny, a child eating too much, a child eating too little, I even had parents bring in their child because he was a brat, broken hearing aid, broken glasses, blisters from poor shoes. Basically, anything that isn't causing you severe pain or you can wait to see your doctor isn't an emergency. Just think before you run to the ER. Half of the people in the waiting room honestly don't need to be there. Those people watch the ER shows on TV, and think they actually have an emergency. The ER is a place where the sick injured or the dying is saved. It is not a place for free medical